Cocoon Switch physical release announced
Posted on 10 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
It’s been a busy day for Switch physical release news, and you can now add another one to the pile with iam8bit announcing a boxed copy for Cocoon.
The game will be sold as part of a collector’s edition. Each copy includes the title on a cartridge, 3” laser-etched crystal orb light with an activator pedestal, 11”x17” double-sided poster featuring original art, five Orb art cards, and exclusive cover art by Erwin Kho.
[Review] Cocoon
Posted on 1 year ago by Nicholas Serpa in News, Reviews, Switch eShop | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: September 8, 2023
Developer: Geometric Interactive
Publisher: Annapurna Interactive
Cocoon’s mechanical brilliance is the subtle kind, the kind that sneaks up on you. I knew going into my playthrough that this was the next project from Jeppe Carlsen, the lead gameplay designer of highly acclaimed side-scrollers Limbo and Inside; that type of pedigree sets high expectations, which for me were amplified further after a summer media demo left me with more questions than answers. The most important distinction to note with Cocoon is that it’s more outwardly a puzzle game than either of its forebears, and a very clever one; its trippy, entangled web of worlds is one big metapuzzle that’s true depth astonishes the deeper one dives into it. It’s also a game that somehow builds atmosphere masterfully, but frustratingly refuses to contextualize its world or provide any real stakes, narrative or even lore to engage with. Having rolled credits, I’m still unsure what exactly was the point of my little mechanical bug’s world-bending journey; this, combined with some technical issues on Switch, results in a game that somehow manages to both impress and disappoint at once.
More: COCOON, Geometric Interactive, highlight, top
COCOON launch trailer
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Annapurna Interactive and Geometric Interactive prepared a launch trailer for COCOON. The game, a sci-fi adventure experience, just released on Switch.
More information is available in the following overview:
COCOON release date set for September, new trailer
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
COCOON, the upcoming Switch game led by founders Jeppe Carlsen, the lead gameplay designer of Limbo and Inside and award-winning programmer / composer Jakob Schmid, just got a release date. Publisher Annapurna Interactive confirmed its launch for September 29, 2023.
COCOON was announced for Switch last June. The title last had a general 2023 release window.
[Preview] Cocoon’s “worlds within worlds” mechanic is incredible, alien sci-fi
Posted on 1 year ago by Nicholas Serpa in Features, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Cocoon is enrapturing. A few minutes into my demo, I had already managed to completely block out the noise of the bustling Summer Game Fest crowds around me – no small feat – and found myself completely absorbed in the mysterious desert landscapes of the alien planet I was exploring. While ostensibly a game about solving puzzles, playing Cocoon felt less like working out solutions to brainteasers, and more like trying to interpret and learn the rules of the world around me. Or, worlds, to be more precise. While its developer, Geometric Interactive, isn’t revealing too many of the game’s secrets just yet, I’m captivated by what I’ve played so far, and can’t wait to untangle the web of its interconnected pieces.
COCOON announced for Switch, from lead gameplay designer of Limbo and Inside
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Annapurna Interactive and Geometric Interactive have announced COCOON, a puzzle adventure title. It’ll be released in 2023.
COCOON comes from Jeppe Carlsen, the lead gameplay designer of Limbo and Inside. Read more about the project below.