Video: 13AM Games talks Runbow Pocket, teases for the future, and more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in New Nintendo 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
At E3 last month, NintenDaan was able to interview a couple of folks from 13AM Games: Dave Proctor and Alex Rushdy. You can watch the full discussion below as the two talk about Runbow Pocket, tease when we’ll hear about future announcements, and more.
More: 13AM Games, Alex Rushdy, Dave Proctor, indie, interview, Runbow
13AM Games teases more content to come for Runbow
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 3 Comments
13AM Games isn’t finished working on Runbow. Despite bringing the game out back in late August, there are still plans to support it with new content and updates.
Managing director Dave Proctor teased:
“I mean… this game has been our whole life for the last two years, so it’s going to be everyone else’s for at least the next 12 months. We have a lot of plans for Runbow. We’re going to start announcing these things soon, but suffice it to say you haven’t heard the last of this little game and those scrappy Canadians that made it.
One thing we’ve never shied away from is admitting that there will be more content. We’re putting the finishing touches on it now, and let me tell you we really think the fans are going to love it. We’ve also got a few more updates that we are pushing out, including some fixes to some issues that fans have been calling for since launch.
Proctor also spoke very vaguely about what lies beyond Runbow, stating:
But we are also working on a couple other ideas, and seeing if we can bring that 13AM magic to new titles in the near future. We’re not done with Runbow yet, but we are working on getting a couple more planes off the ground. Planes that are already built this time.”
More: 13AM Games, Dave Proctor, indie, interview, Runbow
13AM Games is working on more content for Runbow
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments
13AM Games is completely finished with Runbow’s development, but the company hasn’t stopped working on the title all together. Writing in a Reddit AMA, producer Dave Proctor mentioned that more content – including costumes and levels – will be added in the future. Additionally, any issues that crop up will be addressed as well.
Proctor mentioned:
“We’re planning new content right now and we’ll be making announcements very very soon. Suffice it to say we will continue to fix issues if there are any, and we want you guys to know that we are appreciative for all of your support. Definitely new costumes and levels down the road.”
13AM Games also expressed some interest in the 3DS during the AMA session, and also left the door open to a Runbow sequel. You can read the full Q&A here.
Runbow launched today on the North American Wii U eShop. The European release is set for September, and a specific date will be announced in the very near future.
More: 13AM Games, Dave Proctor, indie, Runbow, title update
13AM Games – Wii U benefits from Wiimote support, not worried about the console’s sales, more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
Engadget put up a new interview with a couple of folks from 13AM Games. The site spoke with Dave Proctor and Alex Rushdy, who are developing Runbow for Wii U.
You can read up on what Proctor and Rushdy said below with topics including talk of releasing Runbow on Wii U and the term “indie”. Check out Engadget’s original piece here.
More: 13AM Games, Alex Rushdy, Dave Proctor, indie, interview, Runbow
13AM Games looked into GameCube controller support for Runbow
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 8 Comments
Runbow is going to end up supporting a whole bunch of controllers. You’ll be able to use the GamePad, Wii U Pro Controller, Wii Classic Controller, Wiimote, and nunchuck.
13AM Games producer Dave Proctor told Shacknews that the team also looked into GameCube controller support as well. Sadly, it’s unlikely to be supported because it’s being branded as a Smash Bros. peripheral.
Proctor said:
We have looked into it. It is currently only branded as a “Smash Bros. periperal,” so unfortunately, we can’t get access to that. We do have support for Wii U Pro Controllers, we are working on a patch to plug in seven Wii Remotes, we have support for the Wii Classic Controller, as you’ve seen, and we’ve also added support for the Nunchuk. Worst case scenario, someone’s got a Nunchuk, they can use half the controller. It’s got all the buttons you need. We just want everybody to get the biggest experience they can.