Donkey Kong Country Returns HD demo released
Posted on 1 week ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
If you’ve had some interest in Donkey Kong Country Returns HD but have yet to pick up the game, you might be interested to hear that a demo is available. Nintendo just put it up on the eShop.
As many of you know, Donkey Kong Country Returns HD already launched last week. Nintendo typically distributes these trials before launch, but that wasn’t the case here. Still, it’s better late than never.
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD 100% completion checklist
Posted on 2 weeks ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
Donkey Kong games are notoriously difficult to 100 percent complete. In terms of fellow Nintendo Switch games, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is tough as nails if you’re going for full completion. Donkey Kong Country Returns HD follows this trend – there are tons of collectibles to find, over 80 levels to complete, a time attack mode that takes way too long to load, and an unlockable Mirror Mode that makes everything even more challenging. Take it from us – full 100 percent completion really isn’t worth it here – but if you’re up for the task anyway, here’s the checklist you’ll want to go by.
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD review for Nintendo Switch
Posted on 3 weeks ago by Ethan in Reviews, Switch | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: January 16, 2025
Developer: Forever Entertainment / Retro Studios
Publisher: Nintendo
With all the buzz around the new Nintendo Switch 2, it’s easy to forget that Donkey Kong Country Returns HD released on the same day of the big reveal. The original game released on Wii way back in 2010 and was praised for bringing the series back into the limelight for the first time in over ten years. Three years later, the game was ported to Nintendo 3DS where it received additional content in the form of brand new post-game levels. Now it’s 2025, and Donkey Kong has returned for a third time – and at full price to boot. Is Donkey Kong Country Returns HD a worthy Nintendo Switch remaster, and how does it stack up to its original release and 3DS port? And perhaps more importantly, how does it hold up against its sequel, which is also available on the console?