Why Nintendo Directs will never go away
Posted on 2 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Features, General Nintendo | 0 comments
We’re officially in the middle of E3 time (or when E3 would’ve been), and that means that Nintendo Direct discussion is heating up again. From so-called “leaks” to well-informed predictions, it seems like everyone has an opinion on when a presentation is coming, and what we should see in such a broadcast. This is always a fun season of thinking about what Nintendo has planned, but something that also comes up constantly when talking about this subject is: what if Nintendo just doesn’t air a Direct? And, furthermore, what if Nintendo doesn’t air one ever again?
More: E3 2022, highlight, Nintendo Direct, top
Digital E3 2022 cancelled entirely
Posted on 2 years ago by Nicolas in General Nintendo | 0 comments
Original: E3 2022 has already suffered some setbacks, transitioning from what was supposed to be a physical event into a purely digital one. However, it seems like E3 2022 might now be cancelled in its entirety. Several industry members have been reporting that this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo will no longer proceed and is officially cancelled.
This particular account comes from Will Powers, current PR Lead at Razer Inc. and former employee at DeepSilver, PlayStation and Tencent Games. Supposedly, official emails have started being sent out to various companies informing them of the official cancellation of the event. This was corroborated by another well-known industry member, Jeff Grubb, who’s shared his thoughts in the past on E3 2022 being cancelled in its entirety.
E3 2022 confirmed digital-only
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
The Entertainment Software Association has provided an update on E3 2022, confirming that the show will once again be digital-only.
Given how the coronavirus pandemic is still very much a serious issue, today’s news doesn’t come as much of a surprise. However, there are some shows such as CES 2022 that have gone forward with an in-person event despite the Omicron variant that has very much contributed to an uptick in cases as of late.
The ESA said in a statement to GamesBeat: