Evergate physical release spotted on Amazon Spain
Posted on 3 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in News, Switch | 0 comments
The platformer Evergate released on the Switch eShop in August as a digital exclusive. Well, now it appears the game may be getting a physical version.
Gematsu reported that a physical release was listed on Amazon Spain for 29,99 €. The listing comes complete with box art and a release date of March 31, 2021. None of this is confirmed, but the addition of box art would hint at this listing being legit.
So, we may be seeing be an announcement on this in the future.
More: Evergate, Stone Lantern Games
Evergate footage
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
As was announced during yesterday’s Indie World Showcase, Evergate is now available for Switch. Find some footage in the video below.
Those that are interested in Evergate can purchase the game now on the Switch eShop.
More: Evergate, PQube, Stone Lantern Games
Manifold Garden, Evergate out today on Switch
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Two more games are getting surprise releases on Switch today. Manifold Garden, along with Evergate, are both launching via the eShop.
We have the following overviews and trailers for these games: