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Fire Emblem Heroes

It’s the start of a new year, and as is tradition, a new Choose Your Legends event has just started in Fire Emblem Heroes.

Voting has opened for Choose Your Legends: Round 8, with players able to vote for their favorite characters from across the entire Fire Emblem series. Once voting has concluded, the top two male and top two female characters will appear in Fire Emblem Heroes at a future date sporting special Choose Your Legends outfits.

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have put out another update to Fire Emblem Heroes bringing the game to version 8.1.0.

This update is introducing new skills for certain Heroes, new Memento Events, new weapon skills and weapons to refine, updating the lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals and more. We have the full rundown below.

To celebrate the start of 2024, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems are gearing up for a new Ring In the Year summoning event for Fire Emblem Heroes.

Special Heroes who are enjoying New Year’s festivities wearing kimonos will be featured. Nerþuz: New-Year Doter, Kvasir: Unknown Future, Kana: Rising Dragon, and Seiðr: Time’s Goddesses make up the lineup.

Fire Emblem Heroes Camilla: Alluring Darkness

Camilla: Alluring Darkness has been revealed as the next Legendary Hero for Fire Emblem Heroes.

Misty Lee plays the role of Camillia in the game. Mai Okuma handled the art. Her learnable skills include Bewitching Tome, Draconic Aura, Remote Sparrow, and Spoil Rotten.

Fire Emblem Heroes Holiday Lessons

To celebrate the holidays, Fire Emblem Heroes is getting a new Holiday Lessons summoning event.

Special Heroes who are racking their brains over a winter-festival assignment will be featured. The lineup includes Yunaka: Spirited Envoy, Edelgard: Snowfall Future, Dimitri: Blessed Protector, and Byleth: Frosty Professors.

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have released a new update for Fire Emblem Heroes bringing the game to version 8.0.0.

This update marks the beginning of Book VIII, the continuation of the game’s main story, and adds new weapons and weapon skills to refine, a new event in the form of Affinity Auto-Battles, and more. We have the full rundown below.

Fire Emblem Heroes Feh Channel December 2023

Fire Emblem Heroes is back with one of its semi-regular Feh Channel presentations with the latest information about the mobile game.

This time around, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems delve into Book VIII that goes live on December 8 with the Order of Heroes and new characters Ratatoskr, Hræsvelgr, and Níðhöggr. A new summoning event is also coming soon focusing on Fire Emblem: Awakening characters. The last section goes over the next update with Affinity Auto-Battles and more.

Here’s the full presentation:

Fire Emblem Heroes Gullveig and Kvasir Mythic Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes will soon be adding not one, but two new Mythic Heroes with Gullveig: Golden Seer and Kvasir: Seer of the Past. Players will also be able to summon previously released 5 star Legendary Heroes and Mythic Heroes.

Kvasir is voiced by Valeria Rodriguez and features art from Yoshiku. Gullveig is voiced by Alice Himora with art from Yoshiku once again.

Fire Emblem Heroes Attuned Nino & Ginnungagap

Attuned Nino & Ginnungagap is the next summoning event for Fire Emblem Heroes, and we have details as to what’s planned.

Rearmed Hero Ginnungagap: Ruler of Nihility, Attuned Hero Nino: Fang’s Heart and two others from the Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade game will be made available. Isadora: Escot of Pherae and Harken: Troubled Warrior make up the rest of the lineup.

Fire Emblem Heroes Our Path Ahead

Our Path Ahead will be the next summoning event in Fire Emblem Heroes, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced.

Special Heroes who sneakily approach their targets with silent footsteps are coming soon. Zelgius: Ninja Knight, Heather: Wandering Ninja, Reina: Sanguine Shinobi, and Sanaki: Dawnsworn Ninja as a duo will be featured.

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