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Luigi’s Mansion Arcade

Luigi’s Mansion Arcade has been out in Japan for quite some time. However, it sounds like the title recently made its way to one Dave & Busters location in the United States. If you’re in Addison, Illinois, you should be able to give Luigi’s Mansion Arcade a go. We’ll let you know if we hear about it appearing at other Dave & Busters outlets.


YouTube user “famicomplicated” has another look at Luigi’s Mansion Arcade. More off-screen footage from the game is attached below.

Footage has been uploaded to YouTube showing Luigi’s Mansion Arcade, which recently came to Japan. We’ve posted the video below.

In the footage, you can see the new bomb item. This can be thrown at shielded Greenies to break their defense and make them immediately susceptible to capture. It’s a bit different compared to how things were handled in Dark Moon, since Luigi usually needed to reveal them using the Dark Light first, weave his way behind it, flash it with the strobe light to make the Greenie drop its armor, and then repeat flash it again to activate the capture sequence.


Capcom has opened an official website for Luigi’s Mansion Arcade. Access it here.

The website houses a couple of videos. You’ll find the first Luigi’s Mansion Arcade video below, along with a tutorial video.

Some details about Luigi’s Mansion Arcade have surfaced and been translated over on NeoGAF and while it doesn’t get into the meat of the gameplay too much it does help provide a bit more of an overview on what to expect. Here’s the quote:

-Coming Summer 2015.
-1st person perspective. Luigi does appear in some cutscenes.
-Professor E. Gadd gives the tutorial and some in-game advice.
-Based on LM2 – Gloomy Mansion was the only mansion featured in the location test. More stages in the final game.
-Controller shaped like the Poltergust (including rectangular end), two buttons (trigger + strobe). Shake left and right to suck in ghosts.
-The main unit itself had a start button and a bomb button.

Source, via

Here’s an interesting piece of news coming out of Japan. Since October 30, Capcom has been running a location test for Luigi’s Mansion Arcade. As far as we can tell, it’s an arcade version of Luigi’s Mansion 2.

It’s strange that nothing has been said about Luigi’s Mansion Arcade previously, but it apparently does exist! The final location ran on November 3.

Source, Via

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