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Nexis Games

Nexis Games has updated their community page with details for an upcoming 3rd party Wii U title named Pilgrim from Disintegration Games.

Here are some of the details we have gathered so far:
– game takes place over a 100 year period
– play through game as multiple characters related through lineage
– main objective is to pave way for future generations
– various RPG elements

Below is an excerpt from the Nexis Games community page;

Pilgrim has various RPG elements that create a solid foundation holding up its unique gameplay. As players level up, they grow in age and increase max health. After a certain level your health caps. The more you increase in age afterwards the lower max health decreases leading to only one inevitability. Death. While growing up is a key objective element in Pilgrim systematically accomplishing goals ideally within key moments before players let opportunities slip away. it will also increasingly work against players challenging them to make the right decisions under multiple circumstances across various amounts of time. Levels equate to generations, and players have a bucket list of objectives to complete in a fixed amount of years, however some generations are allotted different amounts of time. One generation could expect a lifespan of 30 years and another only 15 before natural death sets in. It all depends on the player. Its an interesting balance that adds a deal of strategy and depth enticing multiple ways to experience Pilgrim encouraging players to return to the experience over and over.

Players will combat dangers that impede your ability to survive forcing you to make decisions in the game to better protect your safety but not in traditional formats you might come to expect. In Pilgrim players suffer from health conditions such as heart disease and polio but such inflictions can be prevented if players are properly vaccinated or actively maintain healthy eating habits. Interestingly there is no map directing players and Pilgrim doesn’t have a health bar displayed making things even more challenging forcing players to rely on visual clues and audible expressions to unlock their health status or preserve it by keeping an ear out avoiding a car coming from around corners dangerously.



As you can see from the tweet below, Nexis Games is heavily teasing the announcement of a 3rd party title for a Nintendo Platform later this week.
An update to their community page promises an in depth reveal, developer interview, images, and details straight from the creator.
Check back later as more details will surely be available soon.

UCraft trailer

Posted on 9 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 9 Comments

Nexis Games published a trailer for UCraft earlier today – view it above. You can also find a bunch of information about the game below.

Nexis Games is currently developing The Dance of the Damned, a new game for the Wii U eShop that is emphasizing multiplayer.

Here’s what we know thus far:

The Dance of the Damned is a tale based on love, betrayal and vengeance that takes place during the mid-evil times. Players will embark on this epic journey as Ayamei Shimata a seemingly ordinary young girl that soon becomes known throughout the land as The Dragon Princess. The story begins on a warm summer night during Ayamei’s childhood, a night that started no different from any other but was soon to be one she would never forget.

The Dance of the Damned has some major plans for 2015 and without revealing too much too soon we will let you know that you can expect Multiplayer, in fact I will go as far as saying that the multiplayer interaction in The Dance of the Damned will be unlike anything you have ever seen before. Unfortunately this comes at a cost as the Online features of The Dance of the Damned will launch 8 to 12 months after the initial release. We know this decision is going to upset a lot of people but to ensure we deliver the best product possible, this is the route we have chosen.

You can find a few screenshots from The Dance of the Damned above.


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