Fight Crab Switch physical release happening in the west with “Shella’ Awesome Edition”
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 1 Comment
Fight Crab had a physical release on Switch in Asia, but not in other regions. The good news is that this will be changing soon.
Mastiff, the publisher for Fight Crab in North America and Europe, is now planning a “Shella’ Awesome Edition” for the west. Copies include a copy of the game on the cartridge, a sticker sheet, digital download for the original soundtrack, 11×17” original Ukiyo-e style art print, and dual-sided coversheet print.
More: Fight Crab, Mastiff, Nussoft, Playism
Fight Crab to support cross-play, western release impacted by coronavirus
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 Comments
Fight Crab will feature cross-play support, Nussoft has confirmed. That means the Switch version be compatible with the Steam edition upon launch.
Speaking of Fight Crab’s launch, we know that Japan is getting Fight Crab for Switch on August 20. However, due to the coronavirus, the western release has been impacted. There’s no timetable for North America and Europe currently, though we’ll share another update when an announcement is made.
More: Fight Crab, Nussoft
Fight Crab listed for an August launch on Switch, physical release confirmed for Asia
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 7 Comments
Fight Crab may have a release date on Switch. Based on retailer listings from the likes of Play-Asia, the title could be launching on August 20.
Play-Asia also reveals that a physical version will be offered in Asia. English will be supported, meaning you can import the game and play it in any region as you would normally. Pre-orders are open here, and you’ll get an A4 clear file Fight Crab as a bonus.
Fight Crab was last said to be targeting a Summer 2020 release. When we receive an official launch announcement, we’ll let you know.
More: Fight Crab, Nussoft, Playism
Fight Crab trailer #2
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 1 Comment
Nussoft has published a new trailer for its 3D action game Fight Crab. Get a look at the latest video below.
More: Fight Crab, Nussoft
Fight Crab to release on Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 8 Comments
Last month, Nussoft’s Ace of Seafood made it to Switch. Another game from the studio, Fight Crab, is also confirmed for the console.
We don’t have too much information about Fight Crab just yet, but we do know that it features on-on-one fights, as the title suggests. Players will need to flip over the enemy crab for three seconds.
Here’s a video for the game:
More: Fight Crab, Nussoft
Ace of Seafood releasing soon on Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 1 Comment
Ace of Seafood will soon be appearing on Switch. According to a listing on the Australian eShop, the game is set for February 22. Switch owners can begin pre-loading the game now.
In Ace of Seafood, you’ll form a party of up to six fish and explore the ocean while battling other life forms. It’s an action game in which more powerful creatures will become available as you win battles.
Here’s more on Ace of Seafood, including a trailer:
More: Ace of Seafood, Nussoft
Ace of Seafood looks set for Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 1 Comment
Ace of Seafood technically hasn’t been announced for Switch. That being said, it looks like it’s happening. Nussoft posted the image above on its Twitter account showing the game running on Switch and indicated that it will hit the platform once the system becomes more widely available.
Ace of Seafood has already come out on several platforms, including Wii U and PC. You can find more about the game below.
In the seas of the distant future, humans have all but disappeared.
Now fish and crustaceans fight great wars, shooting deadly rays of light at each other.
In your current, newly awakened state, you are no more than a piece of seafood.
But you have also been blessed with talent for leading your allies in battle.
Ransack the reefs. Discover an underwater world. Raise an army. Multiply your victories.Do whatever it takes to become the Ace of Seafood.
Defeat enemies, increase allies, hone your strengths, secure reefs and voyage the seas from top to bottom!”Ace of Seafood” is a third-person action game in which you build a party of up to 6 fish/crustaceans, exploring the vast ocean and battling with various marine life in order to expand your dominance of the ocean.