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One Piece: Unlimited World Red

In the latest trailer for One Piece: Unlimited World Red, Namco Bandai announced that the Unlimited series as a whole has sold over one million copies in Japan. The Wii titles One Piece: Unlimited Adventure (2007), One Piece Unlimited Cruise: Episode 1 (2008), and One Piece Unlimited Cruise: Episode 2 (2009) reached the mark collectively. Namco Bandai didn’t make it entirely clear if the 3DS ports were included.


As far as we know, One Piece: Unlimited World Red lacks 3D support. The news comes from an official listing on Nintendo’s website, which simply states “None” under the 3D feature section. It’s unclear why One Piece: Unlimited World Red won’t make use of the 3D effect, but I suppose Namco Bandai has its reasons.


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