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Pathea Games

Let's School gameplay

47 minutes of gameplay has come in for Let’s School, a school management sim. PM Studios published the title on Switch this week.

You can find some information about it in the following overview:

Let's School trailer

PM Studios published the new Switch version of Let’s School this week, and we have the launch trailer. The video highlights the management sim and includes more footage.

You can expect the following from Let’s School:

Let's School release date

June 1: Let’s School secured a release date, and the game is set to come out on July 16, 2024. A new listing on the eShop provides us with that news.

PM Studios just confirmed that Let’s School would be heading to Switch in April. The company is on track to hit its launch target, as we heard it was slated for this summer.

My Time at Sandrock Monster Whisperer DLC

My Time at Sandrock is back with new DLC titled Monster Whisperer, and there’s also a free update for everyone.

The DLC provides a new “Monsters” category of companion with Jack Box, Rockyenaroll, Desert Viper, Bumble Ant and more. Plus players can receive the trapping tool to capture stronger and rarer pets.

As for the update, that comes with its own free content. This includes a new pet-training and combat feature, Sand Buggy Circuit, cooking function in the Factory, and new levels in the Dead Sea Ruins.

Let's School

Let’s School, which has previously seen a successful run on PC, is now coming to consoles – including Switch. The port will be ready to go this summer.

Let’s School is a school management sim in which you play as a headmaster entrusted to revive your alma mater. Additional information can be found in the following overview:

My Time at Sandrock New Year Better Me update 1.2.2

PM Studios and Pathea Games started up the distribution of a major “New Year Better Me” update for My Time at Sandrock with version 1.2.2.

Along with big technical improvements, new content is available. Today’s patch “is the culmination of that labor and promises substantially improved frame rate performance in early zones, increased shadow distance, higher fidelity textures and lots more.” As for new content, players can access new customization items designed by Kickstarter backers, new fairground rides, a new end-game dungeon, and more.

Here’s a rundown of what’s new in the My Time at Sandrock “New Year Better Me” version 1.2.2 update:

My Time at Sandrock update 1.1.4

A massive 1.1.4 update has been made available for the Switch version of My Time at Sandrock.

The update contains all content in the PC full release, and includes all PC hotfixes up to December 10. There’s a lot here, but some of the highlights include new quests, features, and a more stable frame rate – with more improvements planned for version 1.2.

Here’s the full rundown:

My Time at Sandrock gameplay

New gameplay is here for the Switch version of My Time at Sandrock. Following a bit of a delay, the sandbox simulation adventure launched this week.

Here’s an overview of the title:

My Time at Sandrock launch trailer

To celebrate the launch of My Time at Sandrock, PM Studios and Pathea Games have come out with a launch trailer. Fans can get a final look at the My Time at Sandrock sequel.

As a reminder, here’s what to expect from the game:

My Time at Sandrock delayed

My Time at Sandrock has been delayed and it will not be available next month as previously announced.

On social media, Pathea Games explained that the move was made “to better ensure the game quality will meet your standards and expectations.” The title will now launch on November 2, 2023.

The full statement reads:

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