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Pokemon Scarlet

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Voltorb location

Voltorb rolls back onto the scene in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and we have a location guide ready to tell you where to find this explosive creature in the games.

pokemon scarlet violet exp farm

A new method has been discovered that lets players easily and passively farm EXP in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet.

The games already have one feature, known as “Let’s Go”, in which a Pokemon can walk alongside you while exploring the Paldea region outdoors. This creature can then be sent off to fight other Pokemon with Auto Battles. With Auto Battles, experience can be earned without players having to designate orders. However, the new technique players have found takes this to another level for an arguably better EXP farm in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Tyranitar Salamence Tera Raid

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet have revealed a new Tera Raid Battle event featuring Tyranitar / Salamence. If you have Scarlet, Tyranitar will be the focus. Violet will be spotlighting Salamence.

These two Pokemon will be showing up in four and five star raids. Both games can be played online and the Raids do not have a set Tera Type.

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet review

System: Switch
Release Date: November 18, 2022
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo

After impressively selling over ten million copies in just three days, trainers around the world have been exploring Generation 9’s new Paldea region in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. With a completely different open-world and open-choice approach to the longstanding and rather traditional series formula, the new games aren’t afraid to break the mold. How does this completely different take on Pokemon work out for the modern player, not to mention series veterans that have been around since before Pokemon GO took the world by storm? Diving into our own journey across Paldea, what will we find? As always, a world where dreams, adventure, and friendships await, of course.

The fourth generation creature Bronzor can be found Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and we now have information about the location of this Pokemon.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Riolu location

Some players going through Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet may be interested in capturing Riolu, and we now have information about the location of this creature.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Zorua location

Looking for the location for Zorua in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet? We have you covered with our latest guide.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Umbreon location

Umbreon is back in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and we now have information about the location of this Dark type Pokemon.

Applin makes a return in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and we now have information about the location of this Pokemon.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Barboach location

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet have brought back Barboach, and we now have information about the location of this surprisingly elusive Pokemon.

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