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Pokemon Shuffle

According to Serebii, it has just been announced that Pokemon Shuffle, the free-to-play 3DS eShop Pokemon puzzle game, will be ending service on March 31 2023.  For the sake of clarity, this is exclusively affecting the 3DS version; no announcements have been made regarding the mobile versions of Pokemon Shuffle.

Even with the game’s online service ending, you’ll still be able to play through Standard Stages and any Event Stages already downloaded. What will be disabled, however, is the ability to acquire daily login bonuses, play Ranked Stages, and download Event Stages.

This news doesn’t come as a huge surprise given prior announcements of the Wii U and 3DS eShops ending purchases on March 27, 2023. If you want to be able to experience Pokemon Shuffle’s Event Stages on 3DS in the future, make sure to download them in the coming months.

This week in Pokemon Shuffle the Ultra Challenge Stage will be Tapu Koko and the Great Challenge Stage will be Shiny Charizard, Omastar, Breloom, Piplup (Winking) and Zekrom. The daily Pokemon are the Rotoms with Fan Rotom, Frost Rotom, Heat Rotom, Wash Rotom and Mow Rotom and the Pokemon Safari includes Burmy Trash Cloak, Deerling, Morelull, Venonat, Sawsbuck, Shiinotic, Pikachu (Angry), Venomoth, Wormadam Trash Cloak and Wimpod. Finally the Competitive Stage is Mega Pinser and the Once Per Day stage is Jellicent (Female).


This week in Pokemon Shuffle we have the ultra challenge stage with Zygarde complete form and great challenge stage featuring Blissey (Winking), Cradily, Chimchar (Winking), Manaphy and Talonflame.

Daily Pokemon are Oricorio Sensu Style, Pyukumuku, Oricorio Baile Style, Mudbray and Dartrix. One chance per day Pokemon is Frillish (Female). The competitive stage is Mega Alakazam and Pokemon Safari is Oddish, Abra, Tauros, Bounsweet, Gloom, Kadabra, Steenee, Vileplume, Alakazam and Tsareena.


This week in Pokemon Shuffle we have the ultra challenge being Shiny Ho-oh and the great one including Raichu (Alolan), Armaldo, Shaymin Sky Forme, Mudsdale & Oranguru. Once per day is Tornadus, special stage being shiny Tyranitar and daily Pokemon of Oricorio P’au Style, Alolan Grimer, Dewpider, Alolan Sandshrew & Brionne. Lastly there is a Diancie Escalation Battle.


This week in Pokemon Shuffle the ultra challenge stage will be Pheromosa and great battle challenge will be Gyarados, Shiny Metagross, Noivern, Passimian and Minior. Daily Pokemon include Oricorio Pom-Pom Style, Wishiwashi, Komala, Fomantis, Torracat and the one per chance stage being Pinsir. Competitive stage will be Mega Gyrados and finally the Pokemon Safari will have Salandit, Alolan Geodude, Roggenrola, Alolan Graveler, Boldore, Rockruff, Mareanie, Togedemaru, Alolan Golem and Gigalith.


Pokemon Shuffle update (4/3/18)

Posted on 6 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments

This week in Pokemon Shuffle we have the ultra challenge stage Black Kyurem with the great challenge stages Wigglytuff (Winking), Totodile (Winking), Wailord, Palkia and Toucannon. Daily Pokemon included Pikachu (Sleeping), Torchic (Winking), Treecko (Winking), Mudkip (Winking) and Castform (Winking) plus the one for day Pokemon being Cosmoem. Finally there is Shiny Mewtwo special stage and Latias Escalation Battle that will run two weeks.


In this week of Pokemon Shuffle the Ultra Challenge stage is White Kyurem and the Great Challenge Stages are Chikorita (Winking), Dialga, Lycanroc, Toxapex and Salazzle. The one chance per day stage is Cosmog and the daily Pokemon are Lunatone, Tyrogue, Castform, Mantyke and Solrock. The competitive stage is Mega Manectric and Pokemon Safari includes Darumaka, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Alolan Diglett, Darmanitan, Pikachu (Winking), Raichu (Winking), Manectric and Alolan Dugtrio.


This week we get the ultra challenge stage for Buzzwole and the great challenge stages of Cyndaquil (Winking), Registeel, Groudon, Mimikyu & Dhelmise. The daily Pokemon are Maractus, Dunsparce, Qwilfish, Durant & Heatmor and the once per day Pokemon is Landorus Incarnate Forme. Finally there will be a special stage for Genesect and a Giratina Escalation Battle that will remain for two weeks.


This week’s Pokemon Shuffle update has Ultra Challenge stage Arceus plus Great Challenge stages: Alolan Muk, Regice, Kyogre, Drifloon and Drifblim. The daily pokemon are Seviper, Wynaut, Torkoal, Zangoose & Luvdisc. The once per day stage is Jellicent (Female) and the competitive stage being Mega Steelix. Finally the Pokemon Safari will include: Shellder, Krabby, Goldeen, Aipom, Seaking, Cloyster, Kingler, Ambipom, Shiny Magikarp and Shiny Gyarados.


Pokemon Shuffle update (2/27/18)

Posted on 7 years ago by in 3DS | 0 comments

Firstly the great challenge stages include Feraligatr, Lugia, Escavalier, Shiny Hawlucha and Popplio; plus the the ultra challenge stage with Nilhigeo. Daily Pokemon are Spiritomb, Girafarig, Kecleon, Shuckle and Relicanth. The once per day stage will be male Frillish and competitive stage is Mega Garchomp.


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