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Pokemon Shuffle

In this Pokemon Shuffle update the Regigias ultra challenge stage has started. The great challenge stages include Meganium, Ho-Oh, Emboar, Amoonguss and Rowlet. The daily Pokemon challenges are Druddigon, Pachirisu, Yamask, Tropius and Farfetch’d. A Tornadus Incarnate Form is available for the once per day challenge and Xerneas is a special challenge. Finally a Volcanion Escalation Battle will run two weeks.


This week for Pokemon Shuffle a new Roserade (Winking) and competitive Mega Banette will be lasting until February 20th. Mew, Litten, Decidueye, Deoxys Attack Forme, Accelgor, Typhlosion and Pikachu (Enamored) have also begun their repeat runs.


In this week of Pokemon Shuffle players will have a new Comfey stage. A new Pokemon Safari that includes Pikachu in Magikarp Costume, Gyarados Costume, Charizard Costume, Shiny Rayquaza Costume, surprised Pikachu and dizzy Pikachu. All of these will be available until February 13th. Repeat runs of Shaymin Land Forme, Shaymin Sky Forme, Dialga and Palkia have also begun.


Pokemon Shuffle and Pokemon Shuffle Mobile have updated once again. Players will find the latest challenges in both versions of the game.

Here’s a rundown of what’s new:

– Mega Lucario competitive stage; competitive stage that runs until February 6
– Mewtwo Escalation Battle stage; runs until February 23
– Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini stages have begun a repeat run
– Mewtwo, Suicune and Pikachu (Fired Up) are being distributed to all players

Note that these require version 1.5.2 to download.


This week in Pokemon Shuffle Kartana is available for battle for 20,000 coins. Golisopod and Azumarill (winking) have begun their runs as well, all of these stages will be lasting until February 6th. Tapu Koko, Tapu Fini & Mimikiyu stages have also begun their repeat runs.


A new stage featuring Mareanie is now available in Pokemon Shuffle and will be available until January 30th. A competitive Mega Salamance and Electrode are also available until January 23rd. Lastly Xurkitree, Palossand, Lycanroc & Thundurus Therian Forme have all started their repeat runs.


It’s been awhile since Pokemon Shuffle received a new update on 3DS, but the latest patch can now be downloaded. Version 1.5.0 has been introduced with a few new features.

Here’s the full rundown:

– New Trainer Rank system: gives you various rewards based on the number of Pokemon that you have captured
– These include Mega Speedups, Raise Max Levels and even Mega Stones
– 30 ranks in total
– New gifts obtained via checking in regularly with it cycling through 15 different gifts: Hearts + 5, Moves +5, Exp. Booster S, Hearts + 5, Skill Booster S, Mega Start, Hearts + 5, Disruption Delay, Exp. Booster M, Raise Max Level, Hearts + 5, Exp. Booster L, Time + 10, Hearts + 10, Jewel
– Can now use Jewels to unlock batches of stages if you have yet to complete them so your progression is not hindered if you can’t do some stages
– Use the team you used last time if you then change it, using a special arrow on the selection screen


Pokemon Shuffle update (1/9/18)

Posted on 7 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments

In this week of Pokemon Shuffle we have a new Minior stage and Latios Escalation Battle stage lasting until January 23rd. Dialga, Palkia, Zekrom & White Kyurem stages have also returned for players to try out.


Pokemon Shuffle usually receives its updates on Tuesdays, but it actually got small update today. A new safari stage will be available until January 16th. You can meet Jangmo-o, Hakamo-o, Sandygast, Hoppip (Winking), Skiploom (Winking), Jumpluff (Winking), Cherubi (Winking) and Cherrim (Winking) there.


Pokemon Shuffle update (1/2/18)

Posted on 7 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments

In this update of Pokemon Shuffle a new stage featuring Guzzlord and a Kommo-o stage will last til January 16th. A competitive Shiny Mega Charizard X stage has begun too and will last til January 9th. Alolan Ninetales, Black Kyurem, Kyogre & Reshiram have begun repeat runs too.


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