Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology characters trailer #2 – Historia / Sub-History
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Atlus published another new Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology character trailer today. The latest video shows off characters from Historia along with the new Sub-History scenario. View the trailer below for a look at Lippti, Teo, and Nemesia.
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology screenshots and details – characters and more
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Atlus issued another update about Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology today. Along with a bunch of screenshots, details were sent out primarily covering different areas, characters, and the battle system. Everything’s been rounded up below, courtesy of Gematsu.
– Simple society formed by the Satyros in the forests cast of Alistel
– Led by their Patriarch Barranca
– The Satyros have power over Mana and are protected by a holy tree suffused with it
– The Satyros that love to dance are mainly jovial and filled with curiosity
– Over the centuries, the Satyros have continued to isolate themselves from humans
– In contract to the Gutrals, who have completely severed ties with humanity, the Satyros still enter human settlements from time to time and participate in cultural exchanges
– Formally, though, Celestia has broken off diplomatic relations with humans
– Celestia is protected by a magic barrier, so humans can’t enter
Vanoss (voiced by Tomohiro Tsuboi)
– Leads a troupe of travelling performers which includes Aht and Liese
– Always a gentleman and acts as Aht’s “Uncle Vanos”
– Happy with his life as a wandering performer, but he is personally acquainted with the Patriarch of the Satyros, and seems to have his own agenda
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology: new screenshots and artwork
Posted on 7 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Atlus released some new artwork and screenshots for Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology via 4Gamer. Take a look at them in the gallery below. By the way, did you know that the English website for the original DS game is still up? You can find it here – there, you can read the biographies of some of the characters and compare the artstyle used in the original game with the one in the 3DS remake.
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology trailer introduces a variety of characters
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Atlus uploaded a new trailer introducing a variety of characters in Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology. Stocke, Raynie, Marco, Rosch, Heiss, Kiel, Sonja, Viola, Raul, Hugo, and Noah are all featured here. View today’s video below.
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology commercial
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 3 Comments
Atlus uploaded a first commercial for Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, releasing in Japan on June 29. View the advert below.
Over an hour of Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology footage, first look at Sub-History
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Atlus held a lengthy live stream for Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology today. During the broadcast, over an hour of footage from the game was shown along with a first look at the new Sub-History. We have looks at both below.
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology opening movie
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 2 Comments
Atlus released the opening movie for Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, its updated version of the classic DS RPG redone for 3DS. View the video below.
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology live stream taking place next week
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Atlus will soon be hosting a new dedicated live stream for Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology. On April 15, the event will held on Fresh! at the following times:
– 4 AM PT
– 7 AM ET
– 12 PM in the UK
– 1 PM in Europe
Atlus will be providing a sneak peak of the Sub-History timeline during an hour-long gameplay session. Haruka Shimotsuki will be also present to talk about the behind-the-scenes on recording the opening theme.
You’ll be able to watch the live stream on Fresh! here.
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology: New details, screenshots & artwork
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News, Screenshots | 3 Comments
Atlus has shared some new information about Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology. The following was translated by Gematsu.
First up, some info on the staff working on the game. The director is Mitsuru Hirata, who was the director of the original Radiant Historia game, the chief director of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and has also worked on several Shin Megami Tensei titles such as Shin Megami Tensei IV and SMT: Strange Journey.
The music is being done by the legendary Yoko Shimomura, who has composed dozens of excellent game soundtracks, including series like Kingdom Hearts, Mario & Luigi, Xenoblade Chronicles and the original Radiant Historia. She composed five new tracks for the 3DS version.
Responsible for the new characters designs is Masaki Hirooka, who previously worked on Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, Suikoden Tierkreis and Kid Icarus: Uprising. Hirooka also drew several new event scenes.
The new animated opening movie is being produced by A-1 Pictures, a prestigious animation studio responsible for works such as Fairy Tail, Erased, Your Lie in April and the recent Ace Attorney anime.
The story remains largely the same as in the original game, with the main character Stocke being caught up in a war between the countries Granorg and Alistel while he discovers his ability to travel between alternate histories.
A new character called Nemesia appears in the 3DS version. She is a historian that doesn’t belong to either of the two main timelines, but rather the new “Sub-History” timeline. She’s looking for a material known as “Artifact”.
Most of the original’s gameplay mechanics stay the same in this remake, such as the ability to travel between certain points in the alternate histories, the ability to perform various actions in the overworld and the game’s unique grid-based combat system.
Head past the break for some more info on what has changed in the remake as well as tons of new screenshots and art.
Full Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology site open
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Following last week’s announcement, Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology’s full site is now live. You can view it right here. The site has the first trailer, a look at the Character Deformation Pack included with first-print copies, and more.