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Ready at Dawn

Okami Ready at Dawn

Ready at Dawn was sadly shuttered last year, but during the span of the studio’s twenty years in operation, a port of Okami for Wii was a passion project that the company worked on. In a recent interview, co-founder Dawn Andrea Pessino spoke about what went into making it happen and the struggles involved.

Things began when Ready at Dawn and Capcom were talking during GDC many years ago. Pessino indicated that the challenges started due to a lack of resources from Capcom. Not much was provided and everything was in Japanese.

Ready At Dawn has “a lot of interest” in Switch. Creative director Ru Weerasuriya spoke about the new system during an interview with GamesIndustry, telling the site:

“Every time a platform comes out, we always feel like there’s something really cool that can be done with it – a huge graphical advance, a huge technological advance, a new way of interacting in games like VR does. Switch, I think, is the same kind of thing. We see it and we see the market that they’re trying to really kind of grab, expand, and also build. I would definitely tell you that, yeah, internally at the studio there’s a lot of interest for the Switch.”

We last heard Ready At Dawn comment on Switch last June when it was known as NX. The company seemed to be open to putting Deformers on the platform, but wasn’t in possession of a dev kit. Hopefully we’ll see something from Ready at Dawn on Switch in the future.


An incredibly bizarre situation surrounded the launch of Okami many years ago. You may remember that the game’s boxart was plastered with a blemish in the form of an IGN logo. It wasn’t overly noticeable, but it was still a huge oversight on Capcom’s part.

Ready at Dawn handled the development of Okami Wii. As part of a feature looking back on the history of the studio, Game Informer asked CEO Ru Weerasuriya to comment on how the whole thing happened. Weerasuriya didn’t have a whole lot of answers, but did offer up a few words about the surprising incident.

Weerasuriya told the site:

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