Shovel Knight – new Miiverse and StreetPass details
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
Polygon has shared a batch of new details covering Shovel Knight’s Miiverse and StreetPass functionality. You can find up a roundup of information below, which also includes quotes from Yacht Club Games’ Sean Velasco.
– Wii U version allows players to leave hints for others
– Choose “The Digger’s Diary” from the GamePad, then leave advice on how to defeat enemies, find hidden gems, etc.
– Can also leave drawings of bosses in rooms just before the encounter
– Digger’s Diary name will probably change
“The cool part is that it’s room-based. Every time there’s a room where you don’t know what to do, or if you just want some more information, you can tap on this diary. [Maybe you’ll] leave a message for other players or get a message yourself, or maybe learn a little more the same way you would trade secrets on the school ground.”
– StreetPass Arena confirmed for 3DS
– StreetPass Arena name is also tentative
– In these levels, players will record five-second clips, which are then used against other player’s recorded gameplay during a pass
– Need to collect gems or hit the opposing Shovel Knight with whatever strategy you’ve recorded
– Can watch the recorded battle and revise your moves once the StreetPass battle is over
– Velasco compared it to a game of rock-paper-scissors, but with a little more strategy
“We’ve done it, and it’s just ridiculous. There are some goals that you’re all going for, but you don’t know what the other player is doing. You don’t know which gem they’re going to go for first. You don’t know if they’re going to use a weapon … It’s just craziness because you do it in these little five second rounds, and you do three rounds over and over. And then it’s just done.”
– Earn gold if you emerge from these battles successfully
– Can rework your strategy if you lose
“It’s a classic-style game, but we’re trying to do as much as we can with whatever modern tech we have.”