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Splatoon 2

Splatoon 2’s debut trailer gave us a quick look (or rather tease) at Marie, one of the Squid Sisters. But what about Callie? Well, you’ll be happy to hear that she’s back as well.

During a stage show for Splatoon 2 at Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017, producer Hisashi Nogami confirmed that Callie is returning. One of the hosts mentioned seeing Marie in Splatoon 2’s video, yet Callie was nowhere to be seen. Nogami said in response that Callie is still around, and joked about how she was busy for her business so she couldn’t participate in filming.

The official Splatoon tumblr has been posting all sorts of information about the Wii U’s games sequel over the past few days. Information shared includes details on the hub, weapons, and more. Get the full lowdown below.

The Squid Research Lab can confirm that Inkopolis Plaza is no longer the central hub of Inkling culture. Apparently a new location within Inkopolis known as “Inkopolis Square” is now the most popular area for young Inklings. Many new businesses have opened shop in Inkopolis Square, and it is only two subway stations away from Inkopolis Plaza. We at the Squid Research Lab were surprised to learn that the center of Inkling culture has changed locations in such a short amount of time, but perhaps there is something to be learned about the Inkling way of life in all this. Or maybe we’re just thinking about it too hard.

A Squid Research Lab special report:
As we suspected, Turf War is still the most popular sport among Inklings. The basic rules of this sport remain the same–two teams of four Inklings compete to cover the largest area of ground with their ink color within the allotted time. Inklings still eat, sleep, and breathe Turf War, and the sport still drives the direction of fashion, art, and language for Inkling culture.


Nintendo published a new Splatoon 2 gameplay video on its Japanese YouTube page. Get a look at it below.


Splatoon 2 is shown off extensively on Nintendo Treehouse Live with Nintendo Switch:

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A tidbit of story information pertaining to Splatoon 2 was just shared on the Treehouse Live stream. It was mentioned that the game takes place two years after the original game. Aside from that, it was teased that we see the return of some favorite characters.


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