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Square Enix

Square Enix shared new details about Bravely Second at Jump Festa 2015 today, including new information about the Cat Master job. You’ll find the latest information below, as translated by Gematsu.

  • Cat High Arts: Takes two items to summon a pair of cats to pull off powerful moves. At Jump Festa, it was shown in a demo as used to raise everybody’s BP by one, but has been deemed too powerful by the development team and will be re-balanced accordingly. What cats appear depend on items used.
  • When “Death Spiral,” a move that hits several times, was used, the two cats were gray and brown, and a doodle of a cat appeared above the character that summoned them (apparently drawn by designer using their non-writing hand). Items used to summon cats are acquired through moon reconstruction.
  • Cat Arts: Following moves confirmed: “Consume,” “Slugger,” “White Window,” and “Book Burning.” These only take one item to summon a cat to do.
  • Nenneko: Makes all enemies fall asleep.
  • Lie Down: Raises physical and magic defense.
  • Dig: Not clarified.


With the launch of Final Fantasy Explorers in Japan, Square Enix has already started selling downloadable content.

Players can purchase costumes based on characters from Final Fantasy VII. These include Cloud with the Buster Sword weapon, Aerith with the Guard Rod weapon, and Tifa with the Premium Heart weapon. Pricing is set at 150 yen each.

More DLC will be available for Final Fantasy Explorers in the future.


Bravely Second details

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Reader Edmund C has sent along more Bravely Second details. The information comes from the scans we posted over the weekend.

For a translation of systems in Bravely Second, continue on below.

“Follow-Up Chance”
When you defeat the enemies within one turn, there will be a chance for the option to follow-up immediately into the next battle. Winning the follow-up battle will result in greater reward

Save presets of your party set-up, including abilities and equipments. This allows players to set up different parties for various situation and switch between them easily without needing to configure individual characters.

“U’s Journal”

Her journal is a dynamic beastiary. The more times you defeat a monster, the more tidbits of information will be added to that monster’s entry.

“City Rebuilding”
The returning realtime minigame from the previous game. This time it’s set on the moon’s surface.

This week’s issue of Famitsu reveals a new DLC quest for Final Fantasy Explorers. By purchasing the magazine, players will receive a code to unlock the quest. The Lance of Kain – a special weapon resembling the one used by Kain in Final Fantasy IV – will be awarded to those who gather all materials.

It was previously revealed that another quest can be unlocked through a code included in the latest issue of the Final Fantasy Magazine. This nets players the Chocobo Hammer upon completion.


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