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Tatsumi Kimishima

Nintendo announced Tatsumi Kimishima as its new president earlier today. In a followup piece from Japanese outlet Nikkei, Kimishima shared a few comments through an interview. Nikkei also provides the following information about him:

– Personality is described as “soft and friendly”
– According to the Nikkei, Kimishima predicted Wii U’s failure when it was introduced by warning it was too similar to the original Wii
– Despite his business background, he is quoted as saying it’s wrong to lead a gaming company on numbers alone
– The Nikkei claims Kimishima wasn’t Iwata’s favorite choice
– Nintendo was first looking for somebody younger but didn’t have the personnel
– The article also suggests the troika was a rushed decision because the holiday season, where Nintendo makes 50%+ of sales, is near
– Accordingly, Kimishima is quoted as saying one task for him will be to develop the next group leadership structure for Nintendo


Further information from Nikkei’s interview with new Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima has come in.

While speaking with the publication, Kimishima said Satoru Iwata did not give him instructions about how to run the company. He also said that he’s been elected for one year, and he’s unsure what will come next. However, he’s not against having company outsiders lead Nintendo one day.

Kimishima also noted that plans have not changed regarding Nintendo’s smartphone and IP-related initiatives. The main task now is to develop new businesses.


Today, Nintendo appointed Tatsumi Kimishima as its new president. We now have some quotes from Kimishima himself, via Japanese paper The Nikkei and Dr. Serkan Toto on Twitter.

Kimishima said that there won’t be changes to the basic strategy set up by former president Satoru Iwata. The challenge, according to Kimishima, now lies in identifying new projects and cultivating the right human resources to reach Nintendo-like profits again.

The Nikkei also quotes representative director Genyo Takeda as saying that the aim is to establish a future-proof group leadership system inside Nintendo.

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Since the unfortunate passing of Satoru Iwata back in July, there’s been speculation as to who would take lead in the Kyoto-based company. Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda had taken over as leaders for Nintendo, but this was only to be temporary, despite many people feeling both had the potential and credibility to properly lead Nintendo, not to mention the charisma and appeal from fans. Today, Nintendo has announced Tatsumi Kimishima as the new President of Nintendo Co.

For those unfamiliar with Tatsumi Kimishima, he had previously been the President of Nintendo of America from 2002-2006, and prior to that was President of Pokémon USA in 2001, so there’s no doubt Kimishima-san certainly has the skills to lead Nintendo and succeed Iwata in a very respectable and admirable way.

It’s still very heartbreaking to think about the untimely passing of Iwata and all of the great things he’s done for the company and remaining optimistic even during its lowest moments, but if there’s any company that knows how to overcome its faults and still deliver smiles and joy to people all around the world, it’s Nintendo.

We wish Tatsumi Kimishima a long and great run as the new President of Nintendo, and we’re excited to see what lies ahead.



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