Voez is a Switch launch title in Europe; costs €20,99
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch eShop | 5 Comments
Circle Entertainment, who are indirectly involved with the game, have confirmed that Voez will be a launch title in Europe as well as in Japan. The game will cost €20,99 and will be available on the Switch eShop on March 3rd. Flyhigh Works is handling the publishing worldwide.
More: Europe, Flyhigh Works, Voez
Voez confirmed for the west
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 156 Comments
Update: Circle Entertainment deleted its original tweet, and has now clarified that the company is indirectly involved with the western release:
Need to clarity sth, Voez made by Rayark, global publishing will be @FlyhighWorks our Japanese team. Not directly by CIRClE this time. pic.twitter.com/IHedeGNH41
— CIRCLE Ent. (@CIRCLE_Ent) February 27, 2017
Voez is one of Japan’s launch games on the Switch eShop. Thankfully, we haven’t had to wait long for a localization announcement. Circle confirmed on Twitter earlier today that the company will handle Voez in the west.
The brief tweet reads:
This is our first Switch game, and more titles on Nintendo platforms will comes in this year! pic.twitter.com/Oz9V8jcaCy
— CIRCLE Ent. (@CIRCLE_Ent) February 27, 2017
Voez doesn’t have a release date for North America or Europe yet, though we’ll keep you informed as the situation develops.
More: Flyhigh Works, Japan, Voez
Voez can only be played on Switch’s portable unit, other tidbits
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 57 Comments
The official website for Voez has been updated with a few more details about the Switch game.
Most significantly, only portable play is supported due to incorporation of the touchscreen. There isn’t support for buttons, and you won’t be able to experience the title on the television as a result.
After purchasing Voez, 116 songs will be available. Ascension(xi) is in as an exclusive song on Switch, and even more exlusive music will be added for free down the road via updates.
One final note: Japanese, English, Traditional Chinese, and Korean are all in.
More: Flyhigh Works, Japan, Voez
Voez trailer; launches March 3rd
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Switch eShop, Videos | 3 Comments
Flyhigh Works published a trailer for their upcoming rhythm game Voez, which launches on the Japanese Switch eShop on March 3rd:
More: Flyhigh Works, Japan, Voez
Voez screenshots, details
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Switch eShop | 2 Comments
Famitsu has published an online preview for Voez, a soon-to-be-released rhythm game for the Japanese Switch eShop. Find the latest details and screenshots below, courtesy of Gematsu.
– During the game’s music parts, the screen is spread out into several lanes
– You’ll see diamond-shaped note icons falling from the top of the screen
– Build up your score by tapping, holding, and swiping on the notes as they overlap the bar at the bottom of the screen
– The lanes fluctuate and move left and right depending on the song, so you can enjoy the game visually as well
– Over 100 songs across all genres from both Japanese and Taiwanese creators
– Song difficulties range from Easy to Hard to Special
– Whether you’re a seasoned rhythm game player or not good at rhythm games at all, you can play the game at your own level
Update: launches in March, over 100 songs – Rhythm game Voez announced for Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 16 Comments
Update: We’ve learned some new details about the game thanks to Gematsu. The Switch version will feature over 100 songs, including ones that weren’t present in the smartphone version. The game will launch in March in Japan for a price of 2,314 Yen.
A new Switch game was just revealed via Famitsu – Voez, a rhythm game developed by Flyhigh Works, in which you get to play various songs and get to experience the lives of the six youthful members that make up the titular band. The game is actually not new, but seems to be a port of a smartphone game that was released a while ago. According to Famitsu, development on the game is 99% complete, so it’ll likely be released fairly soon. While it has only been announced for Japan at the moment, the smartphone version also has English language support, so a Western release does not seem unlikely.