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Wonder Festival 2019 Summer news – Bayonetta Nendoroid announced, figure updates for Zelda, KOS-MOS, Amaterasu, more

Posted on July 27, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Japan is hosting Wonder Festival 2019 Summer, which is bringing us all sorts of news about upcoming figures. Some were previously announced but have been updated, while others are entirely new.

Here are some of the highlights from the Nintendo side of things:

– Zelda Nendoroid (Zelda: Breath of the Wild), now with color
– Amaterasu Nendoroid (Okami)
– Bayonetta Nendoroid (Bayonetta)
– Waddle Dee Nendoroid (Kirby)
– Pokemon Sword/Shield figures (early purchase bonus in Japan)
– Inkling Boy figma (Splatoon)
– KOS-MOS figure (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
– Edelgard figma (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)

And some photos:

We’ll update this post with any other significant news from Wonder Festival.


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