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Hover: Revolt of Gamers

Hover is finally coming to Switch next month, a listing on the European eShop reveals. The game is lined up for September 20.

Hover features a futuristic open world as a single and multiplayer parkour game. We have more details and a trailer below.

A few different Switch games either support cross-platform play or intend to in the future such as Rocket League. Hover: Revolt of Gamers is another title that will make use of the feature.

Hover was just updated on Steam today to support cross-platform play. That means when the game comes to Switch, it should be supported out of the gate. Hover players on Switch will be able to match up with others on the Xbox One and PC.


Yet another upcoming Switch title is confirmed to be playable at Gamescom next week. On Twitter, it was announced that Hover: Revolt of Gamers will have a Switch demo.

The brief tweet confirms:

This should be the first time that Hover: Revolt of Gamers will be playable on Switch for the public.


Nintendo World Report TV recorded some footage of the kick-started Hover: Revolt of Gamers from the recent PC version of the game. You can expect to see Hover on the Wii U and Switch later as well. Check out some of the gameplay below.

A new trailer for Hover: Revolt of Gamers is online to ring in the game’s initial release on Steam. It’ll be coming to Switch down the road, but for now, watch the video below.

A Switch version of Hover: Revolt of Gamers, Fusty Games’ upcoming action-adventure title, was confirmed earlier in the year. The project is now wrapping up with the Steam release planned for the end of May.

When Hover: Revolt of Gamers is ready on other platforms, it’ll be receiving a physical release. That may include Switch as well.

When a fan asked about a physical version for consoles, the team said on Twitter:

Switch is a console, so hopefully the system will be included with any physical release plans. We’ll let you know if we hear anything official.


Jet Set Radio composer Hideki Naganuma is on board with Hover: Revolt of Gamers for the project’s music. Two tracks were made for the upcoming game, and while both are now live in the Steam Early Access version, you can also listen to them on Soundcloud.

Hover: Revolt of Gamers was originally funded on Kickstarter in 2014. It doesn’t appear to be planned for Wii U anymore, but a Switch version is in the cards.

Source, Via

Hover: Revolt of Gamers is a project that we’ve been talking about for awhile now. The original Kickstarter launched last August, and earlier this year, it hit Steam Early Access. Hover’s developers are still hard at work on the project, which includes console ports.

We do know that the game will eventually land on the Wii U eShop. That being said, it’ll be out after the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions. That’s because, according to Midgar Studio’s Jérémy Zeler-Maury, Hover will need to be remade from scratch on Wii U “in terms of graphics” as some rendering techniques used apparently don’t run too well on Nintendo’s console. Zeler-Maury also promises that it won’t be a “cheap port”.

Below are his comments in full:

“The WiiU version of Hover is the most complicated thing and will be done after the console releases on PS4 and XB1. It will require us to recreate the game from scratch in terms of graphics. We’re using Physically Based Rendering and other rendering technologies that don’t really run well on WiiU. Also, we promised during the Kickstarter campaign that we would tune the gameplay properly, we don’t want to do a cheap port, so it will take some time.”


The newest look at Hover: Revolt of Gamers provides a look at the game’s city. View a new time lapse video below.

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