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– Tagline is “Warriors of Eden”
– Three save files
– Fully orchestrated soundtrack, performed by Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra

Via Siliconera

You may be asking yourself “Who is Shu Takumi? Why do I even care?”

If you enjoyed the writing in Capcom’s Ace Attorney series, you should definitely care, because he was a writer for those games. He’ll be making a return appearance in the DLC for November’s Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney release, penning the script and story for one piece of the DLC that will be available post-launch. You need to beat the game before being able to access the DLC.

Via Silconera

Let’s hope this puts an end to all of the nonsense! Of course, there’s still no way to know for SURE what the deal is until SEGA confirms 100% that the game is coming at launch, but I think this is a decent indicator that we shouldn’t see too many problems.

Amazon Listing

Thanks for the tip, Lars!

While we were pretty certain of this prior to today, it’s nice to hear it straight from the publisher themselves: All five pieces of Assassin’s Creed III DLC will make their way to Wii U alongside PS360 when they begin launching later this year. One of them even has you trying to assassinate George Washington because (in an alternate universe) he became evil and was crowned King of America!


– Comes out February 7th, 2013 in Japan
– Will cost ¥6,090
– Same story as the first game
– Adds StreetPass functionality
– “easier to play”
– ArtePiazza is handling the development
– Scenario and Game Design: Yuji Horii
– Character Design: Akira Toriyama
– Music: Goichi Sugiyama
– Planning and Development: ArtePiazza
– Marketing: Square Enix

Via Gematsu

After a rather successful retail launch, Square Enix has opted to release Bravely Default: Flying Fairy on the 3DS eShop for a bit of a price cut. The retail game will run you ¥6,090, while the digital version will cost ¥5,400. Pretty decent savings if you ask me!

Via Siliconera

“I think the challenge is to get people to understand what it is that the GamePad brings to gaming. They did this sort of infomercial-type ad [in the U.K.] that says ‘it does this and it does this!’ I really think that just shows you they’re trying to find ways to show people before they actually get their hands on the thing. I think they had the same problem with the Wii. Innovation like that is very hard to grasp as a consumer, until you actually see it, because it’s not something you’re asking for necessarily. You’re not going to ‘get it’ from a trailer.” – Ubisoft Senior Vice President of Sales, Tony Key

I don’t think anyone should be TOO worried about the Wii U not being adopted by consumers. Pretty much everyone is sold out of preorders and Gamestop has a wait list of 250,000 or more! And that’s just in the U.S.!

He continued,

“The Wii was a huge breakthrough for gaming because it more or less heralded in the era of motion control. Since then, Kinect has been successful and you’ve got the Sony [PlayStation] Move. It created a new genre of gaming and brought in a ton of new consumers. With the Wii U — there are critics. No, it’s not heralding a new era of motion control, but it is heralding in a new era of two-screen gaming.”

Via Gamasutra

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