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Update: Added in more images.

A couple of interesting additions to the Mario Kart 7 roster have been revealed. They’re newcomers to the series, and somewhat unexpected. Just who are these mystery characters?

Head past the break for the first images.


Nintendo Week 10/27
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword – Earth Temple
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword – Eldin Volcano
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword – Harp Trailer
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword – Goddess Cube
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords – Robin Williams & Zelda Williams
Sonic Generations Trailer
Make Your Own Zelda Flipnote – Japan Flipnote Winners
Country Dance 2 Video
Rhythm Thief Trailer
Bejewled 3 Video
Pyramids Video
Academy Checkers Trailer
Halloween: Trick or Treat Trailer
Anima: Ark of Sinners Trailer

“Cleaner” versions of these tracks will be included in the Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert CD that comes with the initial copies of Skyward Sword.


Nintendo has been showing snippets of Skyward Sword’s on the game’s official website. Now, however, the full image has been revealed.

Head past the break for the full map!

TSSZ News claims to have details on the first Sonic game for Wii U, Sonic Dimensions. Their sources have been rather accurate in the past, but you should consider all of the points below “rumor” until we hear something official. We’ll probably have to wait quite awhile for an announcement, as the Wii U won’t be resurfacing until E3 2012… and that’s assuming any of this is true!

In any case, here’s what the site has reported thus far:

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