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Nintendo has opened the official website for Kirby Mass Attack. There’s a bunch of videos on the site, which we’ll try to round up for your viewing pleasure. For now, you can access the page here.


Flare Red 3DS photos

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Thanks to Tom J for the tip!

Thanks to Amathad for the tip!

Lately there has been some concern about Kid Icarus: Uprising seeing a worldwide delay. Don’t worry, though! It’s true that the title is supposedly due out next year in Europe, but it looks like Masahiro Sakurai’s next game is still launching in North America this year.

Nintendo’s June NPD response contained the following blurb:

“This holiday season, Nintendo will offer something for everyone with fan-favorite titles including Super Marioâ„¢, Mario Kartâ„¢, Kid Icarusâ„¢: Uprising, Star Fox 64â„¢ 3D and The Legend of Zeldaâ„¢: Skyward Sword.”

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