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Okamiden screenshots

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Screenshots | 0 comments

Okamiden TGS 2010 trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News | 0 comments

Even though we don’t know when the 3DS will be released, we do know one thing about about a highly anticipated title for the system. At Konami’s Tokyo Games Show press conference, Hideo Kojima confirmed that the game won’t be released until next year. This shouldn’t come as a huge surprise, as Kojima did say at E3 that he was still experimenting with the system. Hopefully it’ll be out sooner rather than later, though!

Solarobo trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 0 comments

Metroid Other M

– Craig liked the game
– He had been skeptical
– Peer thought the game got better as it went on, but feels the Prime games were better
– Peer doesn’t feel like Other M doesn’t always sound like a Metroid game
– He’s still happy that he got the game
– Only reason to shoot the enemies now is to see secrets in the room
– Craig hates the reason why Samus can’t use her weapons
– Some podcast members didn’t like the d-pad controls
– Craig talked to Sakamoto a few months ago, who said he wanted to make a game where it’s like playing a NES game
– Craig asked Sakamoto why not use the Classic Controller, Sakamoto said that it doesn’t come with the system
– Apparently the original intention was 2D, but according to Sakamoto’s story, Team Ninja came to him with a prototype, which he liked, though the 3D off-rails stuff was working well
– At face value it’s a great game
– Craig thinks if they added nunchuck controls, a lot of problems would have gone away
– Overall Craig highly recommends it

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