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Galactic Taz Ball trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 0 comments


A Kappa’s Trail (DSiWare)
Art Style: Rotozoa (WiiWare)
Flame Tail (DSiWare)
Jett Rocket (WiiWare)
Maestro! Green Groove (DSiWare)
Mario Tennis (VC)
Showdown of the Ninja (VC)
Spin Six (DSiWare)
The Tales of Bearsworth Manor: Puzzling Pages (WiiWare)


Ancient Tribe (DSiWare)
Animal Color Cross (DSiWare)
Arcade Sports (WiiWare)
Battle of Giants: Mutant Insects Revenge (DSiWare)
Don’t Cross the Line (DSiWare)
Lead the Meerkats (WiiWare)
Legendary Wars: T-Rex Rumble (DSiWare)
Super Swap (DSiWare)
Telegraph Crosswords (DSiWare)
The Tales of Bearsworth Manor: Chaotic Conflicts (WiiWare)
Yard Sale Hidden Treasures: Sunnyville (WiiWare)

Grumble Grumble

Brain Drain (DSiWare)
Date or Ditch (DSiWare)
Fire Panic (DSiWare)
Mega Words (DSiWare)
Puffins: Let’s Fish (DSiWare)
Pong Toss Pro: Frat Party Games (WiiWare)
Reel Fishing Challenge II (WiiWare)
Robin Hood: The Return of Richard (WiiWare)
Zoo Disc Golf (WiiWare)

Broad range of titles and first public showing of
DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION confirmed for show.

London (10 August, 2010) – Square Enix Limited, the publisher of SQUARE ENIX® interactive entertainment products in Europe and other PAL territories, announces today its exciting line-up of titles which will be on show at GamesCom 2010, Cologne, August 18th – 22nd.

This year’s stand features a wide range of recognised wholly owned franchises such as FINAL FANTASY®, KANE & LYNCH™ and DEUS EX®. The stand boasts an enclosed 50 seat cinema for scheduled presentations of FINAL FANTASY XIV and the first public showing of DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION™.

Thanks to Johannes for the tip!


I’m curious about how many of you guys watch Nintendo Week regularly. Do you like it? Would you like us to post the episodes on the site each week?


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