New NE contest: Scribblenauts
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, Site updates | 7 Comments
Second note from Valay: I’m going to be bumping this to the front page each night so that everyone has a chance to find out about this contest!
Note from Valay: Just wanted to let you all know that Austin will be handling this contest for the most part. I’m still going to have an active role, but Austin was the one who came up with the idea for the whole thing. The first challenge will be posted next week, as it mentioned at the end of the post. Next week we’ll let you know which email to send the entries to.
Scribblenauts – How creative are YOU?
A little game with a big vocabulary challenges your imagination. We’re here to do the same.
Scribblenauts released a couple of weeks ago, and it’s no surprise to anyone that the game was an instant hit. My local Toys R Us sold out within 10 minutes of getting the first shipment, and I’ve heard countless other stories of similar cases across the country. The reason for this is simple: It’s one of the only games that truly challenges a player’s imagination with nearly limitless possibilities, from animals to objects to weapons and buildings. This provides gamers with an almost impossibly large amount of options when it come to solving a puzzle in the game, and we at Nintendo Everything want to challenge our readers, readers of other sites, and world-wide fans of Scribblenauts to put their skills to the test.
Winter of the Melodias won’t be the last LostWinds, Frontier has secret games in the works
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
“Yes, we are planning to do more within the world of LostWinds, absolutely.” – David Braben, founder of Frontier Developments
“Oh yes, we’re working on several other titles. We’re working on The Outsider; we’re working on unannounced titles which obviously we can’t talk about and still working on ideas.” – David Braben, founder of Frontier Developments
Frontier hasn’t ruled out a DSi version of LostWinds, so we may see Toku head to that platform. I do like the world of LostWinds though, so I know that I’ll be following the series wherever it goes!
Rare not quitting DS development forever, but they have temporarily moved on
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 1 Comment
This comes from the most recent Rare scribes mailbag we posted about a few days ago. This tidbit of information is worth mentioning, though:
“I don’t think it’s fair to assume that we’ve permanently quit DS development, but yes, we are focusing on other things at the moment. Natal is a pretty big deal and needs a lot of attention.”
Even though Microsoft acquired Rare in 2002, the company has produced content for Nintendo handhelds. I hope that we haven’t seen the last of Rare games for the DS, though. Viva Piñata: Pocket Paradise, was an absolutely fantastic title and I’d like to see what else the developers could pull off on the system.
Famitsu software sales for September
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 2 Comments
Famitsu has posted a listing of the best-selling games in Japan for September. The exact dates range from August 31 to September 27.
01. [NDS] Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver (Pokemon) – 2,067,609 / NEW
02. [NDS] Tomodachi Collection (Nintendo) – 320,767 / 1,156,103
03. [PS3] Tales of Vesperia (Bandai Namco Games) – 272,465 / NEW
04. [PS3] Kidou Senshi Gundam Senki (Bandai Namco Games) – 210,092 / NEW
05. [NDS] Dragon Quest IX: Hoshizora no Mamoribito (Square Enix) – 159,825 / 3,925,285
06. [PSP] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable 4 (Konami) – 151,146 / NEW
07. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo) – 144,499 / 1,194,491
08. [NDS] SaGa 2: Hihou Densetsu – Goddess of Destiny (Square Enix) – 130,051 / NEW
09. [NDS] Love Plus (Konami) – 81,279 / NEW
10. [PSP] Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Tag Force 4 (Konami) – 66,352 / NEW
Rock Band Music Store this coming week
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Also, tracks from Green Day and Rush for Rock Band Unplugged!Guildford, UK. – 2nd October, 2009 – Harmonix and MTV Games today announced that The Raconteurs will make their Rock Band debut next week with a three pack of songs available for download in the Rock Band Music Store. A three pack of songs from Electric Six and additional tracks from Alanis Morissette and The Flobots will also be added next week to the Rock Band Music Store of downloadable content for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation® 3 computer entertainment system and Wii™. Tracks from Green Day and Rush will also be available for download next week for Rock Band Unplugged on PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system.
Rock Band DLC Additions for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 System and Wii
Nashville-based rockers The Raconteurs, composed of Jack White, Brendan Benson, Jack Lawrence and Patrick Keeler, will release three songs for Rock Band Oct. 6. “The Raconteurs Pack 01” features “Steady, As She Goes” from the group’s first album, Broken Boy Soldiers, which was nominated for two Grammy Awards; as well as “Many Shades of Black” and “Salute Your Solution,” from the group’s Grammy Award-winning second album, Consolers of the Lonely.
ESRB updates
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Dawn of Heroes (DS) – E10+
Vegas Party (Wii) – T
Famous (DS) – E
Final Fight 2 (Wii) – E10+
LEGO Rock Band (Wii) – E10+
Safecracker (DS0 – E
Fix It (Wii/DS) – E
Glacier 2 (Wii) – T
Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 (DS0 – E10+
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight (Wii) – T
Buck Fever (Wii) – T
Winter’s Tail (DS) – E
Bermuda Triangle: Saving the Coral (DS) – E
Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked (Wii) – E
Foto Frenzy (DS) – E
Fieldrunners (DSi) – E10+
PES 2010 (Wii) – E
Sled Shred featuring the Jamaican Bobsled Team (Wii) – E
Jakers! Let’s Explore (Wii) – E
Ball Fighter (DSi) – E
Alien Monster Bowling League (Wii) – E10+
The Oregon Trail (DSi) – E10+
Yoga (Wii) – E
International Karate + (Wii) – E10+
Monopoly SNES in 4 minutes
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!
Next Nintendo conference is on Thursday, but will anything come of it?
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 13 Comments
The word on the street is that Nintendo is set to hold a retailer briefing/conference this coming Thursday. But will there any significant revelations from the event?
The thing is, these types of conferences are fairly standard for Nintendo. Just about every month, the Big N participates in retailer meetings so that upcoming first and third-party games can be displayed. Most recently, the release dates for a few games (including Sin and Punishment 2) were announced at one of the conferences, but other than that, there was nothing too noteworthy shared.
Also, it was made publicly known in 2008 that there would be a “Fall Conference.” But unlike this year, that information was published about a month before the event took place.
Taking all of that into consideration, in addition to the fact that Nintendo’s Denise Kaigler told IGN that the company is “not planning to do another big summit for all media this year,” the possibility of a big conference on Thursday doesn’t seem entirely likely. However, Kaigler’s statement was somewhat ambiguous, therefore one has to wonder whether or not that includes Nintendo’s annual conference in Japan.
Right now, no one can say for sure what will happen on Thursday. Will this just be another simple retail meeting, or will it shape up to be an event filled to the brim with announcements? Well, we’ll find out for sure in just a matter of days.
Why hasn’t the Wii seen a traditional Final Fantasy game?
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 2 Comments
Up to this point, the Wii has yet to see a traditional Final Fantasy game. Square Enix has been sticking with the Crystal Chronicles universe, which is considered to be more of a side story. In a recent video interview, Akitoshi Kawazu, producer of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, spoke about why Square Enix has gone in this direction on the Wii rather than the route that has been taken on the PS3/360.
“The Crystal Chronicles series is a more action-oriented game, with a little bit more movement in the gameplay itself, so we felt that the Wii was a very fitting console for that.”
I’m actually quite pleased that Square Enix has gone with the action route on Wii. I’m not a huge fan of the other Crystal Chronicles titles, but this is the most I’ve been excited for a Final Fantasy game in a long time.
Weekly savings (10/4 – 10/10)
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Best Buy
The Conduit (Wii) – $39.99
EA Sports Active (Wii) – $49.99