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The lack of a Wii HDD seems to be affecting a lot of people these days – Hardcore gamers, developers, and even casual gamers have begun to realize that 512 megabytes of flash memory simply is not enough storage for a convienent download experience. This applies to Vlad Ceraldi, the CEO of Hothead Games as well. Speaking with Kotaku, Mr. Ceraldi expressed that, although he would be very inclided to bring Penny Arcade Adventures to WiiWare, the idea won’t be considered until Nintendo delivers a storage situation on Wii. “I’d love to be on the platform. It’s purely an issue of size limit. Our game is just too big. If they increase that limit or add a harddrive, anything like that we would revisit [WiiWare].”


Pong Toss – Frat Party Games Info Video
Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution Info Video
How Do You Play? Brain Age 2
Shaun White Snowboarding Info Video
All Star Cheer Squad Info Video
BLEACH: Dark Souls Info Video
Viva Piñata Info Video
Game Party 2 Info Video
NCAA Football 09 All Play Info Video
We Love Golf! Info Video


Crosswords DS-Wordsearch Demo (expires 8/03/08)
Crosswords DS-Crosswords Demo
Brain Age 2 Demo
Brain Age Demo
Flash Focus Demo
Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 (expires 8/03/08)
Contra 4 (expires 8/03/08)
PICTOIMAGE (expires 8/03/08)
Carnival Games (expires 8/03/08)

The Japanese Mario Kart Wii tournament website has been updated with information about a new tournament. Here’s a lowdown on what to expect:

Course: DK Jungle Parkway
Items: Bananas only
Vehicle: Motorcycles, no bikes
Tournament date: 8/1 – 8/10

As things stand for now, Resident Evil 5 won’t be coming to the Wii. However, it’s still pretty interested to see the comparison between RE4 and RE5.

If variety is the spice of life, we’ve got an extra-spicy lineup for you this week on the Wii™ Shop Channel. From bouncing balls to out-of-control cars to hardcore fisticuffs, the latest game additions offer an incredibly diverse mix of Wii™ thrills. So if you’ve been saving up your Wii Points™ for something new and different, here’s your opportunity to cash in and kick up some serious fun. Enjoy!

Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week’s new games are:

– Rockman (Capcom)

Mega Drive
– Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition (Sega)

– Blood Gear (Hudson)


New Tenchu 4 trailer

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

“Red Steel 2 has been in development for many months now, and this new device [Wii MotionPlus] will help us be even more precise in what we do with the product. The Red Steel brand is strong – I think we released it on year one, and that people understood that it was a first try on new technology, technology that wasn’t completely finished. And our game tried to grab the best out of it, and was a bit rushed to be sure to offer something in year one to Wii consumers. But Red Steel is still selling well – at a lower price of course, but still it’s in the top 30 or 40 in every country on Wii. So Red Steel is a brand, and as with every brand we have, we now have to reach the top quality possible. What was missing was the preciseness of the sabre – and with this new device I think it will change the experience.” – Alain Corre, executive director for Ubisoft


Helix developer video

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment

Helix should be releasing on WiiWare in the near future. The developers have confirmed that the game is finished and is just waiting for the “OK” from Nintendo before release.

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