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Coming from the North American Wii updates page….

Photo Channel 1.1-a
An update was made available for the Wii console which provides behind-the-scenes support for a new service that has been released only in Japan.

Based on the backstory behind the new Japanese channel, there weren’t many expectations that it would be heading stateside, but this is a pretty good hint that it will be.


Nintendo Power news

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Dead Rising: Chop till you Drop
— Dead Rising ala Resident Evil Wii Edition
— changes from the original: selectable difficulty level, improved save system, larger text, and an episodic game structure.
— release date: Winter

— takes place in 1991
— you can select to be either a male or female
— DS and Wii versions

Little King’s Story
— simulation + adventure + strategy = pure awesomeness.

Bangai-O Spirits (DS) – 8.0
Rock Band Track Pack: Volume 1 (Wii) – 6.5
Madden NFL 09 All-Play (Wii) – 9.0
Order Up! (Wii) – 7.0
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (Wii) – 7.0
Alone in the Dark (Wii) – 4.0
Guitar Hero: On Tour (DS) – 8.0
New International Track and Field (DS) – 8.0
MLB Power Pros 2008 (Wii) – 7.0
Izuna 2: The Unemployed Ninja Returns (DS) – 5.0
NCAA Football 09 All-Play (Wii) – 5.0

Famitsu review scores

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

Dokidoki Majo Shinpan! 2 8-8-7-7(30/40)
Nobunaga no Yabou DS 2 8-8-8-8(32/40)
Steal Princess 8-7-6-7(28/40)
Windy x Windam 4-6-4-4 (18/40)
Dokapon Journey! Nakayoku Kenka Shite 6-7-7-7(27/40)
Major DS: Dream Baseball 6-6-5-5 (22/40)
Hi Baby 6-6-5-5?22/40)
????????? 8-6-7-7(28/40)


-Starts on July 23 (today)
-print digicam photos (using Image Intelligence) and costs 30yen per print
-Create wii photobooks for 1,575yen for one book
-create mii-based business cards

The announcement of Wii MotionPlus was somewhat surprising, especially considering that the peripheral was unveiled a day before E3. Although, without a doubt, Wii MotionPlus is sure to add precision to future games. According to EA, the current standalone Wii controller is considerably imprecise, which unfortunately, can impact how well the control is on certain games.

“The Wii MotionPlus is going to be good. If I had to pick one thing we suffered from, it was imprecise control on the Wii. That meant certain genres were never going to perform as well on the Wii. There are a couple of franchises in our booth. Go look at Dead Space and imagine playing that game with a wand and a Nunchuk. If they improve the precision, then you could have a good experience. There is no doubt that Wii Speak will appeal to a certain group of people. I thought what was nice is that they created an opportunity for third parties to be more successful.” – Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello


Most block buster hits are traditionally expected to make a transition from the big screen to a gamer’s television, so it was a shock when there were no announcements made on The Dark Knight video game. This may soon be changing though, as Gary Oldman, speaking with G4, finally gave the first “announcement” that the an official game will be released at about the time of the movie release on DVD/Blu-ray. No further information was shared, but it is expected that there will be a Wii version of the game.



About a month ago, it was noticed that the Wii Shop Channel had a slight change to its interface. On the first screen of the channel, the “Settings” button was modified to “Settings and Features,” which seemed to point at some sort of update in the future. It’s worth noting that when this was discovered, there were no additions to the shop channel. However, one report is coming in that the Wii Shop Channel has finally seen a conspicuous alteration, but only on Japanese Wii consoles. When one clicks the “Settings and Features” button, an object comparable to a medallion shows up. Following this, a 16 digit code is required. At the time of writing, no one seems to be quite sure of the “feature’s,” functions however. The input of both American and Japanese Wii console numbers were attempted, with no results. According to the same source, the Japanese Wii Shop manuals have updated information about the feature, but due to the lack of Japanese language knowledge, the information has yet to be deciphered. More news as it breaks.

Mini-update: Some have begun to speculate that the new feature on the Shop Channel will allow users to obtain free Wii points, possibly related to WiiWare/VC titles. Basically, if one were to complete a game, you’d receive a code to enter that could reward someone with Wii points. Whether this is actually true remains to be seen, but would make sense and would be an interesting update.

2nd mini-update: I’ve made the screenshot a bit clearer, so if anyone can read Japanese, try taking a crack at the text!

3rd mini-update:  handheldplayer, in our comments section, suggests that the text reads as “Bonus Redeem Software.” Can anyone else confirm this? And does anyone have a guess as to what this could mean? More pictures here and here, courtesy of WiiRevolution1.

4th update: Mystery solved – Also according to handheldplayer, it seems that certain retail games will provide numbers for the Wii Shop Channel. The Wii will be able to obtain the “bonus software,” through the Wii Shop Channel. I’m assuming that this could end up being free content for some games, but the specifics of this newest addition haven’t been exactly pinpointed. Still, I’m hoping that such a feature would eventually be considered for North America, but its anyone’s guess at the moment!

Maracas, downloadable songs, and Samba himself…This game has it all, doesn’t it?

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