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Super Bomberman R is the latest entry in the long-running Bomberman franchise. Something we haven’t heard Konami discuss is the game’s name. Surely the “R” means something, right?

Apparently so. Super Bomberman R received a rating from PEGI, which seems to reveal the full name. Based on the classification, the “R” stands for “Rangers”.

That does actually make sense. In the game’s Story Mode, eight Bomberman Rangers are tasked with defeating Evil Emperor Buggler and five Bombers. Super Bomberman R’s title ties into that.

Thanks to Tom for the tip.


Everyone’s favorite Nintendo executive is now a year older. Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo of America, turned 56 today. We wish Reggie a happy birthday – enjoy your big day!

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IGN is the latest site sharing footage from Has-Been Heroes. Get another look at the Switch game below with ten minutes of gameplay.

This month’s EDGE review scores are as follows:

Nier Automata – 8
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands – 4
Persona 5 – 8
For Honor – 8
Halo Wars 2 – 7
Night in the Woods – 8
1-2-Switch – 6
Snipperclips: Cut it Out, Together – 8
Super Bomberman – 4


Game visibility on the eShop could pose problems in the future. The only section that highlights new titles is the “Recent Releases” section. Other than that, there’s a “Coming Soon” page showcasing some of the titles heading to Switch in the future and the “Search” function.

Games like Snipperclips and I Am Setsuna have already disappeared from the “Recent Releases” area, indicating that it holds a maximum of 24 entries. That means the only way you can stumble upon them is by searching.

One thing that could help in the future is by adding different pages to the Switch eShop. The store is a bit bare bones at the moment, especially when compared to Wii U and 3DS – both of which have various pages / shelves, charts, and more.


Hollow Knight is coming to Switch very soon, as Team Cherry wants to have the game out as close to the system’s launch as possible. You can get a feel for what the game has to offer with the following footage:

Monster Hunter XX launched in Japan on March 18, and had a big impact on the Japanese market. Overall software sales were 1,341,000 units during the week of March 13, which is 249.05 percent compared to the previous week. For hardware, 138,000 units were sold (105.3 percent compared to the previous week).

Monster Hunter XX itself sold 848,000 copies. The game’s success helped contribute to overall software sales surpassing one million units since Christmas week last year. 3DS sales also up 178.54 percent from last week.

However, Monster Hunter XX’s sales are 60 percent of the original base game (first week 1,488,000 copies, 91.84 percent sell-through) and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (first week 1,446,000 copies, 85.40 percent sell-through). Monster Hunter XX’s sell-through rate is 72.39 percent, which is also ten points less than the former two, so Media Create says it may be considered as lacking for a Monster Hunter game.

8-4 is teaming up with Nintendo once again. This time around, the two companies are collaborating on the localization of Fire Emblem Echoes.

John Ricciardi from 8-4 told one fan on Twitter recently:

8-4 last worked on Fire Emblem for Fire Emblem Awakening’s western release. Prior to that, the team also handled Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon on DS.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has several outfits to collect by scanning amiibo. Photos have since popped up showing off every single one – including two that can’t actually be obtained just yet. Continue on below for the full set.

Fans have come across a new Easter egg of sorts in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. By piecing together results from the first four Shrines, it would seem that the game has a hidden message. We’ve placed the image past the break just to be safe with spoilers.

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