More Batman – Blategate FPS talk, no lead platform, only graphical differences
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Fresh Batman: Arkham Origins – Blackgate technical tidbits have been dug up on the Twitter account of Jack Mathews, technical director and co-founder of Armature Studio.
Mathews’ first comment once again addresses the topic of framerate:
@spectacoptical If we don’t hit 30, we’re not doing our jobs.
— Jack Mathews (@jack_mathews) April 15, 2013
Next, there is no lead platform according to Mathews:
@ramkhai21 It’s a combined effort. Most everyone has both dev kits on their desk. Platforms too different to concentrate on one lead.
— Jack Mathews (@jack_mathews) April 21, 2013
Lastly, the only differences between the 3DS and PlayStation Vita versions are visual, Mathews said:
@goldmetalsonic @nikatapi Mostly justdifferences in gfx. Vita has higher res assets, 3DS has 3D.
— Jack Mathews (@jack_mathews) April 28, 2013
Shantae hitting the 3DS VC on June 20
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
It has been a long wait for Shantae’s arrival on the 3DS eShop as a Virtual Console download, but its arrival is just on the horizon. WayForward confirmed on its blog today that the Game Boy Color classic will launch on June 20. That date applies to North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Nice to see Shantae getting a worldwide release this time around!
Rayman Legends Challenges App – daily challenge (5/20/13)
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Batman: Arkham Origins creative director on DLC approach
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City had their fair share of downloadable content. Arkham Origins will be getting DLC as well.
In an interview with Game Informer, creative director Eric Holmes gave some insight into the team’s approach prior to the announcement of the Deathstroke DLC pre-order bonus (which, for now, doesn’t appear to be Wii U-bound).
He said:
“I think the challenge with DLC is finding something worth saying that you didn’t say in the main game, something that adds to the story or universe. Without giving too much away, I think the DC Universe is a very expansive and exciting place and we’re spoiled for choice as far as opportunities.”
“I think it’s important when you’re building any game in any franchise to try and give yourself creative room and not say everything in the main product. One of the terms we used before was leaving a USB port on the side so something else can plug in and go somewhere else, or carving out a little hole that you can answer. If you have a narrative disconnect in your story, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is a mistake. ‘Well where did that character go when he went off and did that? Where did he get that gadget that he turned up with? Or that weapon? How did he find these guys to go and get help from?’ That might be a question you have at the end of the game but that might be placed there intentionally so that you can answer that in a separate story. Rather than have this disconnect, it’s actually a crack in the story that we go and fill in later and have this little revelation as a result of that.”
Here’s a question: will the Wii U be receiving any Batman: Arkham Origins DLC? There’s no reason why it couldn’t (and shouldn’t happen).
Splinter Cell: Blacklist co-op screenshots
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii U | 0 comments
More Fast & Furious: Showdown footage
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Activision already removed yesterday’s video, so this one may go down as well…
Kevin Conroy says he’s involved with new Arkham game, not Arkham Origins
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
The Batman: Arkham Origins Kevin Conroy situation just got a whole lot more interesting.
Conroy was originally rumored to be skipping Origins and wouldn’t be back to voice Batman. But yesterday, a video emerged from the Dallas Comic-Con in which he stated that he’s been working on the “next Arkham game” for the past “nine or ten months”. The logical assumption was that Conroy would be back in Origins to reprise his role as Batman, but we learned today that Roger Craig Smith will be voicing the dark knight instead.
So where does that leave Conroy? In a now-removed tweet, Conroy said that he is in a “new ARKHAM GAME coming soon” and now Origins as initially thought.
“Confusion in Dallas! I am in new ARKHAM GAME coming soon, NOT ARKHAM ORIGINS coming this fall.”
Game & Wario – “Wario’s Focus Group”, “Wario’s Funding Pitch” videos
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
I have to hand it to Nintendo: this is a pretty great marketing campaign. If nothing else, this will definitely raise the awareness surrounding Game & Wario, which is something the game could use.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist co-op trailer
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Amazon, GameStop giving out unlockable Watch_Dogs content with pre-orders
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

If you pre-order Watch_Dogs from either Amazon or GameStop, you’ll receive an extra piece of bonus DLC.
Amazon is handing out the “Signature Shot Pack”, an exclusive single-player mission that dishes out an original Biometric Assault Rifle and the Black Viceroy’s Outfit upon completion.
Ubisoft’s description of the biometric weapon reads:
“The biometrics weapon has been smuggled into Chicago for the captain of the Black Viceroy’s gang. The weapon only works for the first person to imprint their palm on the handle. Players will need to breach a stronghold, steal the package and be the first to imprint the weapon and get out of The Wards alive.”
GameStop has its own exclusive pre-order content. Those who reserve Watch_Dogs from the retailer will receive The Palace Pack single-player mission featuring the investigation bonus and ATM hack boost. The first item “will unlock exclusive investigation opportunities inside of the network” while the ATM hack boost “will increase cash rewards when hacking into bank accounts.”
Source: Ubisoft PR