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Deals roundup (6/1/12)

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

The following deals were posted on VGSavings today:

Target deals (6/3 – 6/9) – pre-order deal
Best Buy: uDraw Game Tablet products on sale today – deal nearly over
Square Enix Online Store: Sale on various games
New downloadable rewards added to Club Nintendo

You can find more deals daily on VGSavings, including offers for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.

Maximum Games has posted the boxart for Jett Tailfain on its website. The 3DS photo could be final, but I’m not too sure about the Wii U one. If I’m remembering correctly, we didn’t see what the 3DS boxes/boxart looked like until a couple of months before the system launched. The same situation will likely occur for Wii U, but we’ll see.

Source, Via

Mutant Mudds is very, very close to releasing in Europe. The game has received its USK rating, and it’s now lying in the hands of Nintendo of Europe.

Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham could finally launch on June 21. “Could” is the keyword there. That’s not a final date, but at least we know its availability is imminent.

Watsham tweeted today:

“USK rating received (6)! Mutant Mudds has been submitted to NOE for approval. It *could* be released June 21st. Let’s hope everything is OK.”


A GameStop listing indicated that the Wii, 3DS, and DS versions of The Amazing Spider-Man wouldn’t feature free roaming unlike the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 editions. Beenox confirmed this information in a recent interview.

According to studio head Dee Brown, the Wii and 3DS games will be similar to the PS3/360 versions in terms of the “level based” missions. As has been the case with past, the DS title is its own unique project with platforming elements.

Brown’s full comments on The Amazing Spider-Man for Nintendo platforms are as follows:

EA’s E3 2012 lineup

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

EA has announced its E3 2012 lineup. The publisher is preparing to bring a plethora of games to the expo across all platforms.

You can find a full listing of the lineup below with additional details about each title.

It’s the start of a new month, which means new downloadable rewards have been added to Club Nintendo. Members can choose from Donkey Kong (100 coins), Brain Age Express: Sudoku (150 coins), Kirby Super Star (150 coins), and Maboshi’s Arcade (150 coins). Each game will remain on the service until July 1.

You can pick up the new rewards here.

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