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Famitsu has posted a report on the domestic industry sales totals for the first half of 2012. The data was collected through parent company Enterbrain.

Between December 26 and June 24, total hardware/software sales hit 193.4 billion yen. That’s a 0.7% increase from last year’s 191.98 billion. Year-over-year gains have been made for the first time in two years.

Hardware sales dropped from 79.81 billion yen in 2011 to 70.73 billion in 2012, but software sales increased from 112.17 billion yen to 122.67 billion yen.

Read on below for hardware data and a listing of the best-selling games in Japan in the first half of 2012.


Nintendo 3DS: 2,219,548 (total 6,355,287)
PlayStation 3: 695,465 (total 8,112,613)
PlayStation Portable: 500,333 (total 18,737,441)
PlayStation Vita: 353,657 (total 756,451)
Nintendo Wii: 265,578 (total 12,433,321)
Xbox 360: 33,809 (total 1,554,547)
Nintendo DS: 20,239 (total 32,855,741)


Pokemon Black & White 2 (3DS, Pokemon, 06.23.2012): 1,618,621
One Piece Pirate Musou (PS3, Namco Bandai, 03.01.2012): 806,578
Dragon Quest Monsters Terry’s Wonderland 3D (3DS, Squenix, 05.31.2012): 743,967
Mario Kart 7 (3DS, Nintendo, 12.01.2011): 665,573 (total 1,747,964)
Monster Hunter 3G (3DS, Capcom, 12.10.2011): 665,394 (1,474,716)

Source 1, Source

Salaries tracker Nensyu Labo has ranked the Japanese employee compensation averages of various companies. Square Enix tops the chart with an average salary of 21,680,000 yen. Other companies with high positions include Nintendo (9,140,000 yen), Konami (6.78 million yen), and Capcom (5.71 million yen).

A partial ranking has been posted below.

1. Square-Enix: 21,680,000 yen
2. Sony: 9,230,000 yen
3. Nintendo: 9,140,000 yen
5. Konami: 6.78 million
6. Namco Bandai Holdings: 6.40 million
7. Tecmo Koei Holdings: 6.15 million
9. Capcom: 5.71 million
11. Marvelous AQL: 5.56 million
14. Gung Ho Online Entertainment: 5.04 million
15. Falcom: 4.68 million
20: Nippon Ichi: 3.70 million
21: Tose: 3.50 million

It should be noted that these rankings and figures shouldn’t be considered final. They’re not concrete, official numbers. Keep in mind that Nensyu Labo compiled its data through public filings.

Source 1, Source 2

SEGA is continuing to make drastic moves within the company following significant financial losses.

It’s been revealed that nearly all of SEGA’s European and Australian offices will be shut down in the very near future.

Although SEGA UK will still act as the main European HQ, Koch Media will handle distribution of most European retail titles going forward. Level03 Distribution is being brought on to take care of products in Benelux. 5 Star will distribute future titles in Australia.

COO of Sega Europe Jurgen Post said in a statement:

“SEGA is entering a new and exciting phase that will position the company as a content led organisation maximising sales with strong and balanced IP such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Total War, Football Manager and the Aliens franchise. The company will benefit from a clear focus and realigned strategy for our digital business and packaged goods and we are confident that this will lead to a successful future.”


Nintendo is getting serious about its online business. The company has announced that its hired Duncan Orrell-Jones as a new senior vice president of Network Business.

According to Nintendo, Jones “will take on the newly created position and spearhead the development and evolution of Nintendo of America’s digital strategy for the company’s Nintendo 3DS and Wii U video game systems.”

Jones will begin his new role on July 1.

Head past the break for the official announcement.

The latest Famitsu scans cover the 3DS XL, Assassin’s Creed 3, Nintendo at E3 (Pikmin 3), and Culdcept 3DS.


Wii U is the first console from Nintendo to implement extensive social and online elements. Miiverse will allow gamers all over the world to connect with each other simply by booting up the console. You’ll be able to communicate with players through text messages, voice chat, and more.

So how did this ambitious program come about? According to Shigeru Miyamoto, it all started with Wii Fit.

Some backstory first: CEDEC, the Computer Entertainment Developers Conference, is a yearly conference to be held on August 20th that has cool people talk about cool things to less-cool people who wanna learn about cool things.

Sort of. I may be misinterpreting a bit.

Anyway, this year’s CEDEC will be ‘headlined’ by Smash Bros., Kid Icarus, and Kirby developer Masahiro Sakurai, who’s going to be doing a good chunk of the talking alongside Yuichiro Anzai, chairman of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and Yuusei Uesugi, senior artist at Industrial Light & Magic. Good times to be had by all!

Via Andriasang

“Like I said, I know there’s going to be pressure on us to do another Castlevania game, but I don’t want to rise to that pressure. I want to do something else. I love Contra. I’d love to do Contra. At Mercury Steam we’ve got an original idea that I think is really awesome. We’d love to bring that idea to market and I’m hoping that the success of Lords of Shadow 2 will allow us to do that.” – Dave Cox, MercurySteam Entertainment

I honestly really appreciate when artists- musicians, game developers, whatever- do this. To turn down financial profit in favor of making games you love and not trapping yourself in a creative box is really respectable, and it shows that they’ll probably do a great job with Contra, should they ever have the chance to work on it.

Via VG247

Kuju Entertainment has appointed Dominic Wheatley as the company’s new CEO and Gary Bracey as the new Commercial Director.

This news is significant for one important reason. Headstrong Games, one of Kuju’s subsidiaries, has created titles such as Battalion Wars, The House of the Dead: Overkill, and Art Academy.

The official announcement has been posted below.

The official Tokyo Game Show 2012 site has seen a grand opening today. You can access the English page here.

For a list of exhibitors attending TGS 2012, head past the break. Capcom and Konami are just a couple of companies attending the show.

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