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Japanese Club Nintendo members can enter a raffle for a chance to win new Kirby rewards. A cushion, a pin set, a plush pouch, and a set of circular playing cards are among the prizes.

Basically, it works like this: register Kirby’s Epic Yarn, Kirby’s Return to Dream Land, and Kirby’s Dream Collection. You’ll automatically enter the raffle as soon as this is done. That’s it!

Source 1, Source 2

Following a little bit of maintenance, Club Nintendo is back up and running. Members who reached Gold or Platinum status this past year can now order their prize.

Remember, you have until July 31 to redeem your reward. Boxed prizes will ship before the end of the year while digital downloads are available immediately.

You can place an order here.

Arc System Works opened a new teaser site today, hinting at an unannounced title. You can access it here.

No word yet on when the site will be updated. Soon, hopefully!

Above are the rewards for those who reached Gold/Platinum on Club Nintendo this year.

Gold status members can choose from the Club Nintendo Original Calender, Super Mario Kart, Metroid II: Return of Samus, Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again, or The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. These rewards are available to Platinum members as well, along with Platinum Mario Playing Cards and Limited Edition Platinum Poster Set.

The Gold/Platinum rewards page was temporarily removed for some odd reason, but it should be back soon.

Thanks to Captain N for the tip.


Update: It’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle for PlayStation 3. A trailer can be seen here. And so our coverage of this mystery ends on Nintendo Everything!

As it turns out, there’s more teasing to be had for Namco Bandai’s All Star Battle.

Yet another update has arrived on the project’s official site. It now says “0 day” with all images filled in.

Could this be the final update? Will we be receiving an announcement soon?

Out of Nintendo’s entire stable of franchises, Hiroyuki Takahashi has said that he’d be most interested in working on Donkey Kong.

The Camelot president told Nintendo Gamer in its July issue that the series “would prove really interesting” since its “games are full of surprises.” He pointed to Donkey Kong 64 specifically in his response.

Speaking of Donkey Kong 64, Takahashi noted that he “would love to make a sequel to it.”

Perhaps this could happen… one day. Camelot does have a pretty close relationship with Nintendo, though the company has mostly stuck to Mario Tennis and Golden Sun titles in recent years.

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Scan the QR code above with your to add Denise Richards to your Mii collection. This does seem random on Nintendo’s part, but I guess there are some folks out there who’d be interested in bringing the actress to their 3DS.

Source, Via

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