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General Nintendo

Out of Nintendo’s entire stable of franchises, Hiroyuki Takahashi has said that he’d be most interested in working on Donkey Kong.

The Camelot president told Nintendo Gamer in its July issue that the series “would prove really interesting” since its “games are full of surprises.” He pointed to Donkey Kong 64 specifically in his response.

Speaking of Donkey Kong 64, Takahashi noted that he “would love to make a sequel to it.”

Perhaps this could happen… one day. Camelot does have a pretty close relationship with Nintendo, though the company has mostly stuck to Mario Tennis and Golden Sun titles in recent years.

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Scan the QR code above with your to add Denise Richards to your Mii collection. This does seem random on Nintendo’s part, but I guess there are some folks out there who’d be interested in bringing the actress to their 3DS.

Source, Via

This piece will be on the CD for Kirby’s Dream Collection Special Edition. Hopefully other orchestrated tracks are included!

Namco Bandai has updated its “All Star Battle” site once again. Much like yesterday, the teaser page features more images. We’re now just one day away from proper news.

If we find out that this isn’t Nintendo-related, you’ll be able to find future updates on the project over at Gaming Everything.

Thanks to 4Him for the tip.

Even six months after the initial talk started, we’re still seeing people ask Shigeru Miyamoto about his eventual retirement. One investor at Nintendo’s most recent shareholders meeting asked how the company will carry on once Miyamoto departs.

Both Shigeru Miyamoto and Satoru Iwata weighed in on the situation.

Miyamoto said that he’s been taking on fewer responsibilities overall as younger employees serve as the “main roles” for series like Mario Kart and Super Mario. He later teased some of the vague ideas he has in mind for the future.

Iwata added that “Miyamoto still will be actively creating things but we are working for the transition of power to go to younger people at the same time.”

Head past the break for the entire commentary on the topic.

One point summarized from Nintendo’s latest shareholders meeting related to the lack of female board members at Nintendo. We now have a full translation of Satoru Iwata’s reply. It’s been posted below.

Final Fantasy Versus XIII still hasn’t been released, yet one of the game’s songs managed to find its way into Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. In a new interview, producer Ichiro Hazama explained how the piece found ended up in the music title as downloadable content.

Head past the break for Hazama’s commentary on this topic as well as why some games in the Final Fantasy series weren’t represented in Theatrhythm, how the title’s concept evolved, and thoughts about other Square Enix IPs that could take the musical route in the future.

Namco Bandai’s “All Star Battle” site has been updated to reflect the new countdown. Just two days remain until the project is officially unveiled.

The site also contains a few more images. You can see the updated look above or at the countdown page here.

Thanks to 4Him for the tip.


There’s a pretty strong Donkey Kong reference in there… Neat commercial, don’t you think?

Masahiro Sakurai tweeted the photo above earlier today, which features Smash Bros. art drawn on a whiteboard. He said that the Smash Bros. team made the “excellent” image.

This is more of a random doodle than it is a sign of the roster for the next Smash Bros., but we can appreciate the art for what it is. It’s quite nice!

Source, Via

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