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General Nintendo

This information comes from Koji Taguchi, a senior executive officer at Square Enix Holdings…

“Because we merged with Eidos and had games like Tomb Raider, Deus and Hitman, as a company we were able to keep face. But the decline in Japanese titles was almost humiliating. This has been a week where I worried daily about how we can fix this.”

I was absolutely shocked by the lack of Japanese Square Enix titles at E3. I figured that Kingdom Hearts 3D would be a shoe-in for the show, at least!


“#E3 is now over. Since this is my last #IwataSays guest tweet, I want to say thank you for allowing me to spend time with you.”

Reading Iwata’s tweets was actually very interesting! It’s too bad that this was a one-time thing. Perhaps he’ll think about tweeting again next year.


Update: As Austin points out, he’s actually featured in this video. I must have been blind! You can see him at the very beginning of the video with the Wiimote/nunchuck shirt and backpack.

What would E3 be without stampedes?!


This video is definitely worth your time. It shows a look at Skyward Sword’s Siren world for the first time ever with exclusive footage. Also, we get to see the Zelda level in Super Mario 3D for the first time!

Thanks to Iz for the tip!

Celebrities: Matt Groening, T-Pain, and Greg Grunberg.


Monolith Soft’s new game, which we reported on late last year, seems to be progressing well. The company posted a new notice on their website earlier today noting that the project is expanding and that they are looking for additional staff to assist with development.

Monolith is hoping to add programmers, planners, 3D CG designers, 2D designers, effect designers, motion designers, office staff and system management staff. Those interested in the 2D designer position should have experience with character and mech design experience while the programmer position will be filled by developers who have worked with Havok engine and shaders.


Back to the old (or should I say new?) gallery system. Had some issues, but they’ve been fixed. Sorry about the crummy galleries we had to use earlier!


In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto (R) helps conduct an orchestra performance commemorating the 25th anniversary of ‘The Legend of Zelda’ franchise, during opening day of the 2011 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), June 7, 2011 in Los Angeles. The E3 is the video game industry’s premier trade show.

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