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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies moved 250,216 copies in its first week in Japan based on Media Create data. The sales tracker now reports that Capcom’s game saw a sell-through rate of 65.75 percent. Not too shabby!


For the upcoming Japanese release of Gaist Crusher, Capcom is working on a special 3DS accessory – shown in the photos above. The cover allows for “Gai Metals” to be attached to the 3DS, providing special in-game gear.

Players won’t have to buy any of these accessories to play through the entire game. But with Capcom particularly targeting kids with Gaist Crusher, there could be a lot of money to be made here.



When Mario & Luigi: Dream Team launches on August 11, select GameStop locations will be offering a playable demo of the game. It’s the perfect opportunity for those who are on the fence as to whether they should pick up the game.

The demo event will take place between 1 PM ant 4 PM. Check out this link to see if you have any participating outlets located nearby.


Several years ago, Imagi Animation Studios created a pitch for a CGI Legend of Zelda film. Kotaku discovered a complete video (shown above) in an animator’s portfolio, which is dated early 2007.

Imagi Animation is the same studio behind 2009’s Astro Boy. The Zelda pitch came from the company’s American branch, which shut down in 2010.

Expectedly, Imagi Animation Studios was unable to obtain any sort of Zelda film rights from Nintendo.


Platinum Games has updated its Wonderful 101 blog with a sixth post. Today’s piece is dedicated to additional story elements and some of the game’s enemies.

You can find the post here. New screenshots are available for viewing above.

Gaist Crusher trailer #2

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

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