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EA has said that its Frostbite 3 engine is “not impossible” for Wii U.

Speaking with 4Gamer, EA Games Label executive vice president Patrick Söderlund suggested that the tech can run on Wii U, but it isn’t a big priority due to the publisher’s focus on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Söderlund noted:

Electronic Arts released Mass Effect 3 and FIFA 13 for the Wii U, but currently we’re focusing our resources on Xbox One and PS4, so it’s a fact that the priority (of the Wii U) is slightly lower. However making Frostbite 3 work on the Wii U is not impossible. Where there are gamers, we’ll be there as well. This is the true meaning of “omnidirectional”

If Frostbite 3 were to be made compatible with Wii U, it would likely need to be scaled down somewhat and modified in order to appropriately work on the console.


A demo for Level-5?s Yokai Watch will launch on the Nintendo eShop in Japan this Wednesday, July 3, the publisher has announced.

Level-5 plans to release a demo for Youkai Watch in Japan this Wednesday. It weighs in at 811 blocks – or 102 MB – and allows players to search for ghosts in Sakura New Town and fight enemies with ghosts in “Yokai Touch Action” battles.



A new reward has landed on the Japanese Club Nintendo site today. For 180 points, users can receive a special stylus pen set for use on the 3DS or Wii U GamePad. Each order comes with two white/black pen variations.

Satoru Iwata’s investor approval rating has taken a fairly sizable hit.

Last year, Iwata’s rating stood at 90.60 percent. It has now fallen to 77.26 percent – a little more than a 13 percent dip.

Iwata is the only Nintendo executive with an approval rating less than 90 percent. In the past, it has been as high as 96 percent.

Source, Via

Following up on messages posted on Twitter last night, Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham has shared additional comments regarding the situation surrounding Moon.

Watsham indicated that Renegade Kid always had interest in creating a sequel, but wasn’t able to convince publisher Mastiff to move forward with such a project. While a new Moon game isn’t in development, Renegade Kid will be able to create a sequel when they regain the IP rights next year – if they so choose.

You can find Watsham’s original Twitter comments here.


Fresh details on the Wii U version of Splinter Cell: Blacklist are in. ONM posted a preview of the game, which contains quotes from producer Liu Jun. You can find a little bit of information and talk from Jun below, and ONM’s full piece here.

– GamePad acts as Sam Fisher’s arm computer (OPSAT)
– On Wii U, you can see what Sam sees through OPSAT

“The GamePad screen is the player’s version of Sam Fisher’s arm computer or OPSAT (OPerational SATellite uplink). Sam uses his OPSAT throughout the game to access and control his gadgets and to communicate with his team. With the Wii U version, the player gets to experience first-hand how OPSAT works for Sam and how it feels to operate it. In the Wii U version, players can see what Sam sees through the OPSAT and it’s a very powerful feeling to choose how to use this gadget to make decisions as the leader of Fourth Echelon.”

– Pilot drones: similar to ZombiU, need to be careful and pick your moments carefully when whipping out your backpack and glancing away from the TV

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U VC

Pilotwings – €7.99 / £5.49

3DS retail

Project X Zone – €34.99 / £27.99

3DS download

Dress To Play: Magic Bubbles! – €3.99 / £3.59


Sonic Drift 2 – €3.99 / £3.59
Vampire: Master of Darkness – €4.99 / £4.49
G-LOC: Air Battle – €3.99 / £3.59


California Super Sports – €4.99 / £4.49 / 500 points

99Moves – €1.99 / £1.79 / 200 points

Wii VC

The King of Fighters ’99 – 900 points

eShop sales

Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition – €6.66, was €9.99 (£5.99, was £8.99) – 4/7/13 until 11/7/13, 23:59 CEST
Mighty Switch Force! – €3.99, was €5.99 (£3.59, was £5.39) – 4/7/13 until 11/7/13, 23:59 local time

Source: Nintendo PR

The first verdict for Mario & Luigi: Dream Team is in, courtesy of this month’s ONM.

The latest in the handheld RPG series earned a 92% score. ONM praised the game for its “near constant drip-feed of barmy invention”, intelligent and unique approach to turn-based battles, and humor. The magazine ultimate said that Dream Team “is tirelessly inventive fun.”

Here’s an excerpt from the review:

It’s easy for a Dream Team Bros. review to become a list of neat stuff. It’s a game that introduces a new idea, mechanic or boss fight every half an hour for around 35 hours- and that’s without investing in side content: excavating stat-boosting beans, waking scattered Pi’illos, reassembling CCTV footage (don’t ask), an extra tough boss rush mode… It’s absolutely rammed and gets better the less you know, so we’ll draw a line under it there.

So it is that 3DS’s incredible first-party run continues. In the year that has given us the definitive Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing it only makes sense that AlphaDream should step up and deliver the best Mario and Luigi game yet.


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