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Remember how Wii U users were at first forced to pay $60 for a digital copy of LEGO City: Undercover? It was an error on Nintendo’s part that was quickly fixed, but consumers who did pay the initial amount made out pretty well.

After contacting Nintendo, affected Wii U owners have received a $12 refund on their credit card or eShop account depending on the form of purchase. Additionally, Wii U Deluxe Set owners maintain the extra $10 worth of points in the Digital Deluxe promotion. Not too shabby!

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

Capcom will be publishing DuckTales Remastered this summer, which is pretty crazy when you think about it. Not many expected the company to touch the NES title at this point.

DuckTales Remastered’s announcement begs the question: could we see releases of classic Disney-Capcom games on the Virtual Console? The answer is no, unfortunately.

Capcom’s Christian Svensson explained why on the company’s official forums:

At the moment, sadly no. Our agreement with Disney is just for Duck Tales in its new form. It does not allow us to rerelease these other projects on new platforms.


Fez creator and Polytron Corporation founder Phil Fish has blasted the 3DS and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on the portable.

In a series of tweets, Fish criticized the game due to his personal necessity of the Circle Pad Pro, and feels that it would be a better experience on the PlayStation Vita. He additionally believes that the dual-screen design of Nintendo’s handhelds and 3D implementation are nothing more than gimmicks.

Fish’s thoughts in full:

Started playing my first Monster Hunter game last night. On 3DS. It’s not exactly playable without that Circle Pad Pro atrocity… I don’t understand. Why would you even release a game like that on a platform like that? Why is it not out on let’s say… Vita? You know, the one where you could control the camera. It’s too bad because MH looks like it’s basically Phantasy Star Online but not in space. And I love me some PSO. The whole entire thing was a mistake if you ask me.

Also, I’m so sick of this dual-screen clamshell bulls***. A 2nd screen adds NOTHING. it’s a gimmick. 3D is a gimmick. it’s too bad the Vita isn’t a bigger hit because hardware wise it’s PERFECT. it has ONE AWESOME SCREEN, and TWO JOYSTICKS. there’s never been a single DS or 3DS that didn’t make me go “I wish this was on a single screen”. and i’ve never played any game ever anywhere where i was like “I wish this had a 2nd screen”. and absolutely f****** NOBODY ever went “I wish this had 2nd screen that is smaller and a different aspect ration and touch but not 3D”

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirror Fate has received a price drop on Amazon and Best Buy. Both retailers are offering the game for $30 – a $10 (or 25%) drop.

Order Mirror of Fate from Amazon here or Best Buy here. Free shipping is available.

DuckTales Remastered was the highlight of Capcom’s presence at PAX East. But the company did announce a second title at the expo: Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara. For details about the project, read on below.

– “House rules” are included
– These can make the game easier, harder, or different
– Out this June
– Different display options inlcuded
– Original sprites have been uprezzed
– Different filters available that can do things like smoothing or turning scan lines off or on
– Can play in the original arcade aspect ratio, widescreen, or a pseudo arcade mode that superimposes the playfield onto a cabinet frame
– Also an option to mimic the look of playing a game on two distinct cabinet-mounted screens
– Can create public or private games that can be joined on the fly by others thanks to drop-in, drop-out play
– Some game breaking bugs have been addressed such as the ability to make certain characters invulnerable to damage by switching hats, nicknamed the “highlander mode”
– Unclear if the team had removed the naming glitch, that often led to the game freezing or resetting, but it’s likely gone
– House rules: in-game modifiers that can be turned on or off and stacked, that alter the way the game behaves
– Seven rules
– Unlock each with vault points
– Earn vault points by completing a variety of challenges in the game
– Unbreakable: Equippable items have infinite durability
– Enemy rush: A time attack mode where the game clock starts with 30 seconds and the clock increases with each enemy killed
– Vampirism: Gives health for every attack you deal an enemy
– Lockpick: All chests are open
– Hedgehog: Every time you take damage it depletes your gold and if you run out of gold it’s game over
– Elimination mode: Find out who can survive the longest, no bonus points are allowed
– Make It Rain: Enemies and chests drop tons of loot
– Unlockable levels
– Can eventually start from any level of the game
– Iron Galaxy and Capcom worked with current D&D IP owner Wizards of the Coast in recreating this game


“Why Wii U?”, Nintendo asks. What separates a Wii U from a Wii and what makes it better?

Nintendo has outlined the (fairly obvious) differences between the two systems through a retail flyer:

My question for Nintendo: what’s the point of this? Maybe it’ll help the uninformed consumer…


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