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Nintendo teamed up with Ubisoft in Europe to launch a ZombiU Wii U bundle, but NOA decided not to follow the same path. Now, however, one retailer is listing a similar product… for Canada.

Located on Best Buy’s site here is a new “Limited Edition” Wii U 32GB ZombiU Deluxe Set. Pricing is set at $399.99, and a February 17 release date is listed.

It’d be nice if Nintendo made this bundle available throughout North America!


Ah yes, more financial briefing news from various companies’ third quarter meetings. Today’s quotes? From Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider publisher Square Enix, who says that they had to operate at a loss this past quarter due to how hard it is to make money in an “increasingly difficult” console market:

“During the nine-month period ended December 31, 2012, the Company has not recovered the operating loss posted in the six-month period ended September 30, 2012, primarily due to the increasingly difficult condition of the world-wide console game market, under which the Group is struggling to achieve a fair expected return on its investment.” – Square Enix statement

Well, I see many developers and publishers making quite a bit of money on this industry. I think the real problem here is that Square Enix is putting out games that are good, but not quite up the alley of most consumers in most regions right now. You’ve gotta read the markets, and the markets aren’t asking for mediocre Final Fantasy games, Square!

Via Gamespot

A few years ago, Axl Rose (frontman of Guns N’ Roses) sued Activision for apparently breaching contract and using “Welcome to the Jungle” fraudulently in Guitar Hero 3. He also said that the game shouldn’t have been allowed to use the Slash character model, because Activision supposedly said there would be no in-game references to Slash or his band “Velvet Revolver”.

I can’t comment on the validity of any of these claims, but the judge in the case dismissed it pretty early on– setting a court date for this month– and apparently things aren’t looking that much better for the former GNR frontman this time around.


I don’t know much about the technical talk going on here, but from what I understand Atari has secured “debtor-in-possession” financing, which will allow it to continue operating through its recently filed bankruptcy. The total amount they obtained was $5 million, with stipulations of the funds being that they would be under advisement by a firm who would help them decide how and where to sell their assets.

Well… I guess we’ll see how long it takes before someone else takes over the Atari name and tries to revive it!

Via Polygon

For the next ten weeks, Warner Bros. and NetherRealm Studios will allow fans to vote on Injustice: Gods Among Us characters that would come out on top in a particular fight. Winners will be decided on Friday and new match-ups will go live the following Monday (except for today). Characters that are victorious will be featured in new gameplay videos.

This week’s matchups are Batman vs. Bane and Wonder Woman vs. Harley Quinn. You can vote here.

Dragon Quest VII scan

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 0 comments

Believe it or not, we’ve already been given a first look at Bayonetta 2.

Nintendo produced a new behind-the-scenes video for its Nintendo Direct presentation in January, and showed a very brief snippet of a monster at the end. That one second of footage was produced in real-time, according to director Yusuke Hashimoto.

Hashimoto tweeted a few days ago:

“The monster that appears at the end of the Bayonetta 2 ‘making-of’ video is done in real-time on the Wii U (the first in-game footage?).”

Hashimoto later tweeted that the developer video’s music is one of the new songs included and Bayonetta 2.

Last but not least, producer Atsushi Inaba also confirmed on Twitter that a ROM check on Bayonetta 2 has been completed. Good news, I suppose!

Source 1, Source 2, Via

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