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We don’t know much about the Wii U version of Mass Effect 3, but series producer Michael Gamble has let out one nugget.

The recently released Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC will be included in the Wii U release. However, it’s being integrated into the game itself rather than through a download. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC owners have been able to access the free content digitally.

According to Gamble:

“The extended ending is basically going to be part of the game instead. You won’t have to download it.”


As it turns out, the collector’s edition for Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why’d You Steal Our Garbage?! isn’t a GameStop exclusive. It’s been confirmed that the special package will be available at most major retailers.

Along with that bit of news, GameStop has offered possible pricing for the collector’s edition. The standard version will cost $29.99 while the collector’s Edition will go for $39.99. Both versions will be available on both the 3DS and DS.

For information regarding the collector’s edition, check out this story.


Shelly Pearce has become Nintendo’s new UK marketing director. Pearce took over the role for Dawn Paine, who left the company earlier this year to join Universal Pictures as marketing vice president.

Pearce said the following about her new position:

“This is an exciting time to be joining the UK team with two major hardware launches on the horizon, Nintendo 3DS XL on 28th July and Wii U later this year.

“I started my Nintendo career as part of the UK team and it’s great to return as we start this new chapter in our company’s history.”

Pearce has been with Nintendo since 1998. She’s been the head of European PR since 2002. Senior managers James Honeywell, Ben Taylor and Jo Bartlett will report directly to her, according to Marketing Magazine.


3DS eShop charts (7/16/12)

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments


1. Donkey Kong
2. Super Mario Bros.
3. Super Mario Land
4. Bird Mania 3D
5. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
6. Colors! 3D
7. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
8. Photo Dojo
9. Cut The Rope
10. Pushmo
11. 3D Classics: Kirby’s Adventure
12. 3D Classics: Kid Icarus
13. Plants vs. Zombies
14. Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive!
15. Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble
16. Art of Balance TOUCH!
17. GO Series 10 Second Run
18. Order Up!!
19. GO Series Undead Storm
20. Brain Age Express: Sudoku


1. New Super Mario Bros. 2 Info Video
2. Nintendo Show 3D: June 17, 2012
3. The Legend of Zelda Video
4. Nintendo Show 3D: June 28, 2012
5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Video
6. Nintendo Direct: June 21, 2012
7. Iwata Asks: New Super Mario Bros. 2
8. Pokemon Black/White 2 Video
9. Super Mario Bros. Video
10. Heroes of Ruin Video
11. Johnny Kung Fu Video
12. Heroes of Ruin Trailer
13. Kingdom Hearts 3D Trailer
14. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX Video
15. Marvel Pinball 3D Video
16. NES Open Tournament Golf Video
17. Super Mario Land Video
18. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Video
19. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again! Video
20. Kirby’s Dream Collection Teaser Trailer

Source: 3DS eShop

And now we have our first rumor clarification surrounding Wii U’s launch month.

Regarding SEGA’s recent Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed press release apparently confirming a November launch, a spokesperson said this was an error. The listing only applied to the Xbox 360, PS3, Vita and 3DS versions of the game.

Like most of you though, I’m still positive the console is coming in November.


Gearbox co-founder and Chief Creative Officer Brian Martel has yet again delivered very positive remarks about the Wii U.

In an interview with Deadspin, Martel noted:

“We really like the Wii U. I think it’s a really cool platform. I like what they’re doing – obviously with the touchscreen – and it will be interesting to see what Microsoft do with their approach to that idea. It’s one of those problems of the Wii: the only people who have ever made a lot of money on the Wii is Nintendo. So we’re really excited to bring Aliens: Colonial Marines to it. And we’re going to do a wait and see approach, our publisher 2K is going to see whether they’re going to go with that.”

Martel was asked about his thoughts of how Borderlands 2 would be like on Wii U. While a Wii U version isn’t in development, Martel seemed excited with the possibility. He specifically pointed to inventory management as something that “would be amazing” on the console.

“If Borderlands 2 was on the Wii U, the thing I would be most excited about is inventory management: it would be amazing on that, it would just be fantastic. And I think the artwork would look really good, with the way they can deal with the resolutions and textures, I think it’s a really good console.”


A new downloadable reward is available at Club Nintendo.

Electroplankton Rec-Rec has been swapped out for the DSiWare title Starship Defense. The game is available for 150 coins.

You can order Starship Defense here. It’s available as a 3DS download until July 29.

This is the second time in the span of a few days that a third-party publisher has suggested a November launch for Wii U.

We posted about SEGA’s indication last night, and now D3Publisher has followed up with a more specific date of its own. If the publisher is to be believed, the console will be available by November 23 in Europe as will the Rise of the Guardians title.

Take a look at the European game announcement below…

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