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Mega Man will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Famicom download on July 18 for 500 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.

Thanks to Brian for the tip.


Famitsu has been compiling data relating to reader opinions on the 3DS. Participants were asked about their purchasing plans, color interests, and price opinions.

Here’s how the results panned out:

Purchasing plans

– 29.4% of participants will buy the 3DS XL at some point
– 28.9% will buy it at launch
– 24.3% have no plans to buy the system
– 17.4% will wait to see the final product in person
– Of those who do plan a purchase either on launch day or at some point, 70% already have a 3DS


– Red X Black color is the most popular choice
– 38.9% will buy the system with this variation
– 32.8% will be going with white
– 28.3% plan to pick up Silver X Black


– 54.6% of poll participants believe the price is just right
– 62.3% of shop owners say it’s just right
– 27.4% of poll participants believe the price is too high
– 24.5% of shop owners believe the price is too high

Source 1Source 2

Onitore commercials

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Game Informer got its hands on new screenshots from Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate. The images show a few new areas in the title.


Poking around the Japanese message boards, I noticed something very peculiar. Project Sora’s website has been updated with a very odd notice.

It seems that the studio, formed by Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai, has been dissolved as of June 30. The site will no longer be accessible on July 31.

You can take a look at the Japanese notice for yourself right here.

6-minute Onitore trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Last month, Takashi Tezuka said that the White Tanooki Suit would be available in New Super Mario Bros. 2. Famitsu has a reconfirmation of this fact in its latest issue.

Dying in a level five times will bring about the Assist Block. Hit the block and you’ll be provided the Invincibility Leaf, granting you the White Tanooki Suit.

Other power-ups reconfirmed in Famitsu include the Mega Mushroom and Mini Mushroom. These items will have the same functions as in previous games.

July 10th, 2012 – Ken Patterson, President of Big John Games, is excited to notify you that our vehicle platformer game Kart Krashers has been submitted to Nintendo and will be available for download on the Nintendo DSiWare™ service and in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™ later this summer.

Kart Krashers has been a labor of love for the team at Big John Games. “I am extremely proud of what we have accomplished and how fun we have made this game.” stated Patterson.

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