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Namco Bandai and Square Enix have registered a bunch of trademarks, as noticed by My Game News Flash.

Namco Bandai’s filings include lots of Tales names, such as “Tales of Card Evolve,” “Tales of Card Masters” and “Tales of Battle Frontier.” Bakushoku Gourmet Battle! (Explosive Food Gourmet Battle!) and Over World are other trademarks that Namco Bandai now has in its possession.

As far as Square Enix is concerned, the company’s new trademarks are Solo Remix, A Realm Reborn and Shinsei Eorza (New Eorza).

Source, Via

THQ finally released its live-action trailer/short movie for Metro: Last Light yesterday. The video above takes you behind the scenes of the shoot by showing how the piece was created.


The Game Boy Color version of Rayman will be releasing on the eShop in the near future. Yesterday’s store update introduced a new shelf for the platforming series, which says that the classic game will be available soon. I’d guess it’ll be available within the next two weeks… maybe.

One Chrono Trigger fan was intrigued by the idea of seeing the game’s Kingdom of Zeal locale recreated in 3D. And so this person used the art style from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker to realize his goal.

The results can be found above.

Details about the project can be found in the YouTube description here.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

The following Virtual Console games will be released on the Japanese Wii Shop Channel throughout the month of June:

Super Famicom

Tsukikomori – 800 points

Neo Geo

Pulstar – 900 points
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers – 900 points


Gearbox Software, the team behind Aliens: Colonial Marines, once again has high praise for Wii U. It’s certainly encouraging to read about positive feedback when E3 2012 is less than two weeks away.

Speaking about making Aliens: Colonial Marines for Wii U, Gearbox senior producer Brian Burleson told Eurogamer that it’s “been pretty easy”. He feels that Nintendo’s console is “a powerful, powerful machine” capable of performing “a lot of cool new things”.

He said:

D3Publisher is one of many companies planning announcements for this year’s E3. D3 opened a new teaser site today confirming that some sort of reveal will be taking place at the expo. The site doesn’t offer much in terms of hints, but it fortunately won’t be too long before we find out what the company has in store.

You can keep track of the site here.

Deals roundup (5/24/12)

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

The following deals were posted on VGSavings today:

Toys “R” Us deals (5/27 – 6/2)
Target: Mario Tennis Open for $30, free shipping included

You can find more deals daily on VGSavings, including offers for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.

The Order Up!! 3DS demo wasn’t on the eShop today for a reason. SuperVillain Studios co-founder Chris Rausch confirmed that the download was delayed a week because “Nintendo is apparently going to get behind it for a bit of a push”.

This should mean that the game will receive its own section on the store next week. Maybe Nintendo will even send out a SpotPass notification about the demo.

According to Rausch:

“We have just received word that the demo is being pushed back a week on the eShop, as Nintendo is apparently going to get behind it for a bit of a push, which would be awesome! No specifics, but either way, expect the demo next week, and the game is now approved, so it should be hitting the eShop in early June.”


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