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If you have a 3DS and would like twenty free games, make sure you connect to the eShop by 11:59 PM EDT tonight. The first batch of titles (NES) will be available on September 1. The free GBA games will be released before the end of the year.

This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo eShop and Nintendo DSiWare™
Go! Go! Kokopolo – Take control of hyperactive wildcat Kokopolo in a fast, frantic, action-packed caper set across 80 stages of pure arcade mayhem. Hunt down those responsible for disturbing your afternoon slumber. (For Nintendo 3DS™ / Nintendo DSi™)

Nintendo eShop
Avenging Spirit – This classic action game introduced a unique system for possessing and controlling other characters. Help a heroic ghost rescue his girlfriend from her kidnappers so he can finally rest in peace. (For Nintendo 3DS)

Flame Red 3DS boxart

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

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