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This information comes from Activision’s Jared Yeager…

“All I can say regarding your question is that we’re aiming at all viable platforms so, as details present itself, we will be able to speak further regarding that question. But it’s a very good question indeed! I appreciate the excitement but that is all I can say.”

I can see a 3DS version happening, but I think it’d be different from the console versions. Not just in terms of graphics and whatnot, but the toy add-ons that are being produced for other systems probably wouldn’t work for Nintendo’s handheld. This is all just speculation on my end, assuming Activsion even plans on releasing a 3DS version.


Update: At the moment, it isn’t clear if this is a Canada-specific bonus. It’s possible that it’s targeted to that region in particular.

Yup, it’s a poster… and that’s it. Better than nothing, right?


This game is finally going to be available in Japan next month. It was delayed from its initial release date of April 7th back in March.

1. Metroid: Zero Mission
2. Castlevania: Area of Sorrow
3. Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
4. Astro Boy: Omega Factor
5. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
6. WarioWare Inc.: Mega Microgame$
7. Drill Dozer
8. Gunstar Super Heroes
9. Metroid Fusion
10. Advance Wars

One of these days I’ll have to pick up another copy of Metroid Fusion. I played it constantly back in the GBA days, but somehow lost it. My collection was never the same again!

Bit.Trip Saga boxart

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

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