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Nintendo of Europe has uploaded a number of trailers from the 3DS Conference a couple of weeks ago to the eShop.

The list of videos are:

Super Mario 3D Land: 3D Trailer
Mario Kart 7: 3D Trailer
Paper Mario: 3D Trailer
Mario Tennis: 3D Trailer
Luigi’s Mansion 2: 3D Trailer
Animal Crossing: 3D Trailer
Kid Icarus: Uprising: 3D Trailer

I’m guessing that only the titles that have been confirmed outside of Japan thus far are featured on the eShop. That means no Bravely Default or Monster Hunter Tri G (among others).

The 3D videos are also heading to the North American eShop “soon”. I checked about an hour ago, but they still weren’t up… we might have to wait a few days.

Shinobi 3D trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo eShop and Nintendo DSiWareâ„¢
The Legend of Zeldaâ„¢: Four Swords Anniversary Edition – Nintendo 3DSâ„¢ and Nintendo DSiâ„¢ owners can download this multiplayer anniversary edition free of charge for a limited time. (For Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo DSi)

Nintendo eShop
Super Mario Landâ„¢ 2: 6 Golden Coinsâ„¢ – In his greatest Game Boyâ„¢ adventure, Marioâ„¢ faces off against his evil rival Warioâ„¢, who has captured Mario Land and turned it into his private playground.Help Mario search new worlds for the six golden coins that unlock the gate to Mario’s castle. (For Nintendo 3DS)

I wouldn’t say there’s anything too spoilerish with these details, especially compared to what we’ve been posting the past few days. Still, they are spoilers! If you’d like to read up on the latest details, head past the break.

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