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Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!

Nazo Waku Yakata details

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

– Point at objects to investigate them on the touch screen
– Stylus movements on the touch screen control a cursor on the top screen
– Isn’t clear how players progress yet
– Guy with the top hat appears in the mansion entry point
– He’ll be your guide in the mansion
– Speak to him first when you enter the mansion
– Maid Cafe Nazowaku: Maid resides in the room, she’ll whisper things into your ear
– Cat Man’s Room: This resident likes cats, lost his cat, need to help him find it

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!


I’m really not sure what to make of this game. Even though critics have slammed it for the most part, gamers themselves have said that the title has been better than they expected. Hmm…

Doesn’t it feel like Dragon Quest X was announced ages ago? It was first revealed in 2008, but we’ve barely heard anything about the project. Yuji Horii has said in the past that the title is still on track for Wii, though wouldn’t share any additional information.

Fortunately, the latest issue of Nintendo Power contains a much anticipated status update about the game. Horii told the magazine that the development team is actually finishing “last parts of the game.” Additionally, Square Enix will be making an announcement about Dragon Quest X later this year.

“The next Dragon Quest game, Dragon Quest X, will actually be released on Wii. I feel that some users will want to play Dragon Quest on the big screen, which is why we are working toward releasing it on Wii. Of course, in the future we might develop on handhelds again, so it’s really a case-by-case basis. It all depends on what the customer wants at that time. Something else we hear is that players want a new Dragon Quest that follows the same system of Dragon Quest VIII, so that’s something else we’re taking into consideration while in development for a Dragon Quest on Wii… All we can say is that development is going well and we’re on the last parts of the game. We can’t really share much else at this point, but by the end of this year we should be able to announce something regarding it.”


This information comes from Nintendo UK marketing manager James Honeywell…

“We’ve been really pleased with Wii and how it has performed. It’s the market leader in the UK by some margin. I think it has been proven really that it is Britain’s favourite home console with a huge install base. But obviously as you reach a certain level things perhaps might slow down, but again we’ve got a really strong line-up, we’re really proud with what we’ve achieved in getting it into so many homes, and we’ve have a strong campaign for promotion this year and think it will continue as a strong viable format. I guess we haven’t made any announcements recently because we’ve been concentrating on the 3DS launch, but there are still lots of games to come. I’m sure you’ll see at this year’s E3. For anybody who has a Wii, they can rest assured that we’ll be bringing some fantastic new experiences to them.”

Well, Nintendo of Europe just revealed Xenoblade Chronicles, which is definitely a fantastic experience. The new Kirby game might be released this year as well, and don’t forget about The Last Story… Nintendo has to localize that one, right?


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