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As much as the game looks nice, I would have preferred a different 3D Classic. Urban Champion just isn’t an enjoyable game.


3D Pixel Racing

3DS Virtual Console
Game & Watch Gallery

3DS other

Just SING! 80s Collection
Puzzle Fever
Extreme Hangman 2

The listing above is definitely the real deal, as the downloads are included on an official page produced by Nintendo. We should be receiving the official press release tomorrow.

Source 1, Source 2

3D Classics

Urban Champion – 600 yen

Virtual Console

Takahashi Meijin no Boken Jima II (Adventure Island II) – 400 yen

Video Content

Orchestral piece for The Legend of Zelda 25th year anniversary that was played by musicians at E3 in 2D
2D streaming video of the making of a giant Pit Tachineputa
Nintendo Video (periodically updated, no commercials, can be longer in length than Spot TV)
– Part of a tour through the historic city of Kyoto in Japan in 3D – 5 minutes long, available until July 23
– Tokyo Girls Collection video for Spring/Summer 2011 from Cecil McBee and Jill Stuart – available until July 17

Man, I really wish we could get some of the content in North America that Japan does. I would love to watch the


SAN FRANCISCO – July 12, 2010 –Today, Ubisoft® announced its plans for Comic-Con International: San Diego on July 20–24, 2011. The company will feature the first public demos of Just Dance® 3 and Rabbids®: Alive & Kicking. In addition, Ubisoft will demo Rayman® Origins, and host an exclusive panel for Assassin’s Creed® Revelations on July 23, 2011.

Located in the Exhibit Hall at #4245, Ubisoft’s booth will feature a special stage for consumers to get down with Just Dance3, the latest iteration of America’s favorite dance game, which will be available on all platforms this fall, and Rabbids: Alive & Kicking, a zany, wild and humorous collection of mini games the whole family can enjoy. Booth visitors also will have an opportunity to play Rayman Origins for the first time before the game’s release later this year. Rayman Origins is a high-definition 2-D side-scrolling platforming adventure featuring full 4-player co-op. Additionally, Rayman Origins fans can win a free T-shirt by checking in on Facebook at the Rayman Origins billboard at 6th Avenue & F Street, in the Gaslamp quarter, and then claim their prize at Ubisoft’s booth. Other prizes will be given away at the booth, including special pre-order discounts and incentives on the upcoming Assassin’s Creed Revelations and Just Dance 3 releases.

Super Dodge Ball footage

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

Last month, Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli said that the company was “pretty much running” CryEngine on Wii U. But that’s in spite of the fact that, apparently, Crytek isn’t in possession of Wii U dev kits. CryEngine’s director of global business development, Carl Jones, told NowGamer that he hasn’t seen any kits yet.

Jones also discussed how Crytek couldn’t bring content to Wii due to the technological differences between other platforms, talked about his thoughts on a core market on Wii U, and touched on the possibility of bringing something such as a CryEngine 3-powered platformer to the console.

Crytek’s interested in the Wii U. What do you make of the platform?

CJ: It’s something we’re really interested in. There are a load of Nintendo fans at Crytek, right up to the top of the company. We were unfortunately unable to support the last generation of Wii because it would have been quite an engineering effort to take the engine down to that level of hardware.

So we were quite excited to see a new level of hardware come out that we think we can support, do some good stuff with, and it’s something we’re currently experimenting with.

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